Shisong looks at Jiang Xiaosen, who is reluctant to leave. Suddenly, a simple smile appears on his face: "don't want to go? You can't help it. "

Qiao Tianchang glanced at Jiang Xiaosen and said, "if you don't want to walk away, you can break his finger."

"Do you hear me? You may be able to live if you are obedient, but if you want to play tricks with us, you may not even have the whole body to die. If you don't have the whole body to die, you may not even have the ghost to do it. " Shisong helplessly spread out his hands and whispered to Jiang Xiaosen.

Jiang Xiaosen's body was very stiff, and his face was very scared: "I I... "

"Go Or not? " Shisong smiles at Jiang Xiaosen and interrupts him.

"I I'll go. " Jiang Xiaosen wants to cry without tears, dare he not go?

Just now, he was afraid of being hit by this man. If this happened again, he could not stand it.

Shisong reached out and patted Jiang Xiaosen's face: "wouldn't it be nice to be so obedient? Don't you think you want to be beaten? "

Jiang Xiaosen wants to look at Shi song without tears. If he had known that he would be like this, he would have been far away from these people and saved them to find their own troubles.

However, in this world, we didn't know for a long time or regret that the medicine could be sold.

Under the leadership of Shi Song, they went to a place that looked more hidden.

"Right here?" Asked Shisong, some disbelieving.

"Yes, it is here. They Here are the people they have captured. " Jiang Xiaosen nodded and said with some fear.

Qiao Tianchang's eyes turned cold. It seemed that they really wanted to use the common people to threaten them.

"Go in."

"No, i..."

Qiao Tianchang looked at Jiang Xiaosen with warning eyes: "either go in or die right now."

"I I... " Jiang Xiaosen is crying now. How could he be so unlucky.

Finally, forced by Qiao Tianchang's momentum, Jiang Xiaosen could only walk into the cave step by step, while still praying, hoping that he would not die too miserably.

Qiao Tianchang went in after him. I don't know if they were lucky or what happened. After they went in, there were not many guards. There was a big cage on the edge. There were many people in it. Their faces were not very nice.

"What are you..."

Before the other side had finished speaking, he had been killed, and so had the rest.

Joe Tianchang put his hands on the chain that locked the cage. With his strength, the chain was torn.

"Let's go. Shisong has them escorted out." Said Jo coldly.

"Yes, come and take the people out." Shisong points a few people around him and says.

"You You are Who is it? " The people looked at them fearfully, fearing that they had just come out of the wolf's mouth and then into the tiger's mouth.

"I'm Qiao Tianchang, the general guarding the border." Qiao Tianchang looked at them and said.

"Ah, it's the general. The general will come to us. That's great." Some of the people here are all around. Those who are near know Qiao Tianchang, or even see him.

"Don't worry, everyone. Leave carefully." Joe Tianchang asked them to leave and took them to the deep place.

This place was originally just a cave, but what they dug was almost empty.

"Help our daughter, general." After the people all came out, suddenly a couple knelt on the ground and begged.

"Please help our children, that herd of brutes." Some people in the crowd cried out.

"Shut up, do you want to bring people here to be happy?" Joe looked at them coldly.

"Here General, we... "

"Let's go first. We'll take care of the rest. Don't cry." Qiao Tianchang interrupted them and said coldly.

If their voices were louder, they would be able to bring people directly. They are not afraid of it. But what should we do if there are so many people here who fight and hurt the people?