Qiao Tianchang looked at Jiang Xiaosen and said, "it's smart."

Jiang Xiaosen smiled awkwardly, no longer talking, but walked forward.

"How did you meet these people?" He stopped talking, and Joe Tianchang asked him questions instead.

Jiang Xiaosen was stunned, and then said, "what I knew three years ago was that I went to the mountain because of what I ate and met there."

As soon as Qiao Tianchang heard it, he immediately understood. No wonder this man is so clear about the mountains. It turns out that he has been here for several years, so how can he not be clear?

"This time you are going back to calculate the people in the village?" Qiao Tianchang asked, squinting at him.

Jiang Xiaosen reached for his nose awkwardly, his face was a bit dazed, then he said, "almost, but I'm also for their good."

"For their good? Do you know what you will face after being arrested? " Qiao Tianchang was angry and laughed by such an answer.

Jiang Xiaosen thought about it, then nodded to show that he knew.

"Why do you do that now that you know that?" Joe Tianchang asked in a cold voice, "you know, these people are all familiar with you."

"I do it for money. I have my own mistakes in the middle, but I really do it for their good. If I don't go, those people will go there directly. Every time they go to a village, they will die a lot, just because those people are not willing to cooperate." He grew up in the village. How could he not worry about the people in the village? But only in this way can he save everyone's life.

Qiao Tianchang looks at Jiang Xiaosen unexpectedly, thinking that he has lost all his conscience, but his heart is still good.

"Don't you believe it? In fact, I don't believe that I have done a lot of wrong things before, and people in the village hate me very much. If I can, I can watch them die. What do they have to do with me? Are you right? But I can't really be cruel at that time. " Jiang Xiaosen said with a wry smile.

According to some people, even if they are no good to him, they have helped him, because of their own reasons.

Qiao Tianchang glanced at Jiang Xiaosen and said, "there is nothing impossible in the world. You think it's impossible. Maybe it's natural to be in the eyes of others."

Jiang Xiaosen looks at Qiao Tianchang unexpectedly. After a while, he smiles: "maybe you are right." No matter what, it's his fault. It has nothing to do with other people. He's looking for his own end.

"Let's go."

"Some of them are very powerful. You Can I have a taxi? " Jiang Xiaosen looked at Qiao Tianchang and asked with some uncertainty.

"Can you just try it?" Qiao Tianchang didn't answer, just said casually.

Jiang Xiaosen took a look at Qiao Tianchang. After a moment's silence, he said: "those people have been wearing masks. I have been here for three years, and I have never seen the appearance of those people, and some of them seem to be I don't seem to speak at all. "

Jiang Xiaosen's words changed Qiao Tianchang's face: "are you sure they can't speak?"

Jiang Xiaosen nodded quickly: "sure, I have seen them by chance. Most of the time, they communicate by writing. If they can speak, they don't have to bother at all, do they?"

Qiao Tianchang's eyes are thoughtful. If it is true, he thinks of some people, that is, the faceless people he has met twice.

Although the faceless people who used to pretend to be Jiang Ying can speak, now it seems that most of them can't.

"General, are you ok?" When Jiang Xiaosen saw that Qiao Tianchang heard what he said, he stopped talking and asked immediately with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

Joe Tianchang shook his head. "It's OK. Let's go."

Although Jiang Xiaosen was confused, he nodded and led them towards the inside.

Someone led the way, Joe Tianchang and they went very smoothly. The more they got inside, the more obvious the scream was.

And these are the screams of some women, which are full of pain, despair and hatred.

"What's the matter?"

Jiang Xiaosen touched his brain awkwardly, and said with embarrassment, "here They... The general is just about men, you know. "