Qiao Tianchang smiled at Ning Mengyao and said, "I know you're OK, but I just can't help worrying."

He really didn't want to see her lying on the bed without any sound. It was like It's like he's far away from her.

Ningmengyao leans on Qiao Tianchang's arms, with a slight hook on the corner of her mouth, and a happy smile in her eyes: "I know that I will take good care of myself. Don't worry about doing your own things. When I say that there are green bamboo and they are there, I won't be much better. Don't let my body affect your mood."

It's very dangerous to go to war with emotion in the battlefield. She doesn't feel at ease.

Qiao Tianchang nodded, chin on Ning Mengyao's shoulder, mouth slightly hook: "I listen to you."

Qiao Tianchang didn't stay that long. He stayed for a while and left. After he left, bailing came in with a tray in his hand. The half length of her hair had been pulled into a bun by her. This behavior made Ning Mengyao helpless, but she couldn't persuade them, so they had to do it.

"Madam, have some soup first. It's prepared by sister Qingshuang." Bai Ling goes to the bed and looks at Ning Mengyao with a smile.

Ningmengyao reaches out to take the soup in her hand, then smiles at bailing: "you don't need to do this, live a good life, and don't think about what happened before."

Bai Ling nodded: "we all know what madam said, and we also know what you mean. But some things are not that we can't think without thinking. Madam maybe you don't know. Several sisters in our family wake up with nightmares every midnight. Life in the general's mansion is like heaven for us."

No one here will look at them with the same eyes, and no one will think that they are disgraceful. It's enough to do their own things every day.

Ningmengyao looks at bailing, and she understands the bitterness in Bailing's heart. Such things are more humiliating in some modern towns, let alone in the feudal ancient times.

"I'll take you to the workshop later." Ning Mengyao looks at Bai Ling and says.

Bai Ling thought for a while and looked at Ning Mengyao with a determined expression: "madam, I want to follow you. You can be a slave and a maid."

"But I hope you will find your own happiness in the future. You are still young, can't you not marry?" Ning Mengyao said with a frown.

Bai Ling looked at Ning Mengyao with a wry smile. "How can we marry, madam?"

When they came, sister Qingshuang checked their bodies and made special treatment for each of them. She said that they would not be pregnant and would not have an impact on their future life. When they met people they liked, they could also be together. But when they met people who liked and didn't mind their bodies were not clean, how difficult it was, she didn't dare to think about it.

Ningmengyao didn't want them to think things were so embarrassing.

"It's not everyone's concern. There are so many good men at the border. Take a closer look, and you can tell me if there are suitable ones." Ning Mengyao said with a smile.

Bai Ling didn't want to continue this topic with Ning Mengyao. She was afraid of betraying her kindness, so she changed the topic: "if you don't drink the madam soup, it will be cold."

Ningmengyao has no choice but to look at bailing. Her eyes are full of Xiaoyi, but she has a clear calculation in the bottom of her eyes. They don't want to go? There is no excuse for them.

We need to know that there are many people she brought out from the Miao area in the border area. Those people are still single dogs. If we get along with them for a long time, we can't say that they can really get together.

Those guys are honest and kind people. She believes that if they like bailing girls and know their affairs, they won't have any bad ideas, but will be better to them, right?

Looking at Ning Mengyao's smile, Bai Ling suddenly saw a kind of creepy feeling, as if he had been calculated.

"Madame, what are you doing watching me like this?"

"It's OK. Go down and have a rest first. Your health is not good. I have green bamboo here. It's OK." Ning Mengyao immediately smiles. Can she let Bai Ling know what is in her mind? If they knew it so simply, she would not mix.