Ning Mengyao said for a long time, but did not see Qiao Tianchang's reaction. Turning around, he found that Qiao Tianchang did not know when he had fallen asleep.

Looking at Qiao Tianchang's smiling face even when he was asleep, Ning Mengyao couldn't help laughing. His fingertips gently stroked his eyelids. Now the green and black made Ning Mengyao feel sad. It seems that he didn't have a rest last night.

Ning Mengyao put down the account book in her hand and straightened Qiao Tianchang up. She took a small blanket to cover his waist from one side, so she continued to look at the account book on the other side and wrote and drew on the paper from time to time.

When Qingshuang came in, he saw such a scene. He paused a little and came to ningmengyao with the soup in his hand: "madam, it's time for you to drink the soup."

Ningmengyao hears the voice of Qingshuang, but she puts down the account book in her hand and drinks the soup bowl in her hand.

Seeing that Ning Mengyao had finished drinking, Qingshuang nodded his head with satisfaction. Seeing that Ning Mengyao was holding the account book beside him, Qingshuang asked coolly, "madam, it's time for you to rest."

Ning Mengyao's movement in her hand became stiff for a moment, and she wanted to cry and look at Qingshuang without tears: "can Qingshuang not be like this?"

"No, Madame, don't think I will not supervise you just because the general is back." Qingshuang said without any discussion.

Ningmengyao looked at Qingshuang very gloomily: "I don't want to see it, can't I?"

Qiao Tianchang opened his eyes and looked at them. His eyes were clear and bright. He had obviously been awake for a long time.

"Go down Qingshuang, I'll watch Yaoyao."

Hearing Qiao Tianchang's voice, Qingshuang finally didn't force Ning Mengyao. After saluting the two, he turned and left.

Ningmengyao relies on Qiao tianchanghuai gloomily, gnashing her teeth and saying: "Qingshuang is just like an old antique now. It's so old and rigid."

I stare at her every day. When the break comes, she will definitely appear.

Qiao Tianchang reached out his hand and pinched it. Ning Mengyao's angry cheek said, "you are not conscious if you don't look at you. You are not in good health and can't work hard for a long time."

If Ning Mengyao's body is OK, he will not let Qingshuang look at people.

Ning Mengyao took a sad look at Qiao Tianchang, but she didn't say anything. She knew that they were worried about her, so she just said it and complained.

Qiao Tianchang put out his hand and held the man: "OK, just look at it slowly. I didn't sleep last night. Please go to sleep with me."

Only in front of his wife and children, Qiao Tianchang's vigilance is completely absent, so when Qingshuang came into the house just now, he woke up, just didn't open his eyes.

Ning Mengyao's mouth is flat, and she looks at Qiao Tianchang with eyes, which makes Qiao Tianchang laugh.

"Come on, let's go to bed." After that, he didn't give Ning Mengyao a chance to talk, so he grabbed people and went to bed.

When Qingshuang came with the medicine, Ning Mengyao had fallen asleep. Qiao Tianchang opened the door.

"Put the medicine first. Yaoyao is asleep."

What else can Qingshuang do? Take the medicine away.

Qiao Tianchang returns to the bedside and holds ningmengyao, who is curled up on the bed with her eyes closed tightly, in her arms. When she gets close to him, ningmengyao's body will not be curled up any more. Qiao Tianchang can't help laughing at this, which is probably her trust in him.

It took Ning Mengyao three days to read a pile of account books and then began to arrange the Chinese characters.

When Ning Mengyao spent two days arranging the Chinese characters, her face suddenly changed.

"Qingshuang, please call sister Mei and Tianchang to call them back." Ning Mengyao looked at the paper in her hand, and the expression on her face was very solemn.

As soon as Qingshuang saw ningmengyao like this, he knew what he must have found, or his expression would not be so ugly.

Half an hour later, Joe Tianchang and they all came back.

"Yao Yao, did you find anything?" When Qingshuang asked people to call him back, Qiao Tianchang thought of the secret of the account book in Ning Mengyao's hand.

Ning Mengyao nodded and handed the paper to Qiao Tianchang: "Tianchang, please show it first. After reading it, we will talk about it."

Qiao Tianchang took over and looked at it. He soon finished reading the whole page with a glance. However, when he finished reading it, his face changed.