"Dad asked me to follow him." Joe mofeng began to explain why he was here.

Qiao Tianchang was stunned, then smiled: "OK, let's go."

Qiao mofeng and Nan Yu walk beside Qiao Tianchang. After they get out of the door, they mount their horses and leave the general's house quickly.

After Ning Mengyao left Qiao Tianchang, the whole person was in a trance. Maybe she was worried that Qiao Tianchang would go out again this time, and then forget them.

She reached out and rubbed her eyebrows. Ning Mengyao admitted that she thought too much, but what happened before made her have to think so much.

As soon as Qiao moshang and Doudou came in, they saw ningmengyao's eyebrows were frowning, and they didn't know what they were thinking. They immediately went to see her and asked curiously, "what are you thinking, mom?"

"Are you worried that something will happen to dad?" Qiao moshang looks at Ning Mengyao and asks.

Ningmengyao was silent for a long time, then he nodded: "yes, I'm worried."

Qiao moshang sat next to Ning Mengyao and held her arm: "don't worry, mom, dad has suffered such a loss once, and he will not have another one. Besides, brother and uncle Nanyu have gone with Dad this time, so you can rest assured that Dad will come back well."

"Yes, mom, dad is the most powerful. He will come back intact." Doudou is also comforted by Jomo's grief.

Although he was very dissatisfied with Qiao Tianchang, he didn't want his mother to be sad or worry about her.

With the comfort of the two children, let alone her mind is not so heavy, but they are still worried about Qiao Tianchang.

"Mom, why don't we go out for a walk? What do you say? " Qiao moshang sees Ning Mengyao is in no mood at all, and asks.

"Well, I haven't been out for a while. What about Xiao Mu?" Ning Mengyao suddenly thinks of Xiao Mu. She hasn't seen Xiao Mu's child for a long time.

When it comes to Xiao Mu, Qiao moshang's eyes are full of schadenfreude: "he is now being trained by Jiang Ying."


"The people that my father asked for are now running in with him. Now they are basically training together every day, and they are in a sealed place. That's what my father means." Qiao moshang explains to Ning Mengyao.

Ningmengyao frowned: "he is still a child, can he stand such high-intensity training?"

"I can't stand it. Although I was tired at the beginning, I'm used to it now. I feel a bit happy every day." Jomo Shang thought of Xiao Mu's embarrassed appearance at the beginning and thought it was very funny.

Ningmengyao did not look at Qiao moshang angrily: "how can it be that you are not happy? He just pretends to show us and doesn't want us to worry about him. "

Qiao moshang thought about it, and thought it was the same: "that mother, do you want to see Xiao Mu?"

"Well, with this plan, Xiao Mu is destined to have a lot of things that can't be owned as a prince. Take good care of him during his time here." Ning Mengyao nods.

That child is too stubborn, she is worried that such training, he will not be able to bear, anyway, it is still a seven year old child.

"Let's go and have a look. I'll take you there." Jomo Shangs has been to that place, but he didn't go there for only a few days.


When Ning Mengyao and them arrived at the place, Xiao Mu was training. She was wearing a black short fight and was fighting with the people opposite. Her face was hurt. Jiang Ying watched the scene coldly.

Although ningmengyao was in love with Xiaomu, he didn't disturb them. He just stood and watched. In just half an hour, Xiaomu suffered a lot of injuries, but he would stand up after each injury. No matter how painful his body was, he didn't feel the same, which made ningmengyao think of the machine.