Lei An turns around and looks at Zhang Dalong. His face suddenly gets twisted. But that's the twist. Zhang Dalong on the edge feels as if he is going to be relieved.

But at the thought of what Ning Mengyao just said, Qiao Tianchang didn't want to see that he was still alive, which made him feel very sad.

But it should be, after all, he betrayed their feelings for more than a decade, but also he stabbed a knife in the back of the general.

No matter what it is, it's unforgivable for the general. It's his retribution.

Lei An came to him and crouched down to look at Zhang Dalong. He couldn't help laughing sarcastically. "Zhang Dalong, you are going to die. Those people in your family have been sheltered by the eldest brother. I won't let them go. You can rest assured."

Zhang Dalong looked at Lei An and asked in horror, "what do you want to do?"

"What? Your son's birth hand, your daughter-in-law is difficult to give birth to, is the eldest brother to find someone, just to protect your wife and children, since it is the eldest brother to give the life, naturally there is no qualification to continue to live, what's more, your son is not a good thing. " Lei An looks at Zhang Dalong and says.

Lei An didn't continue to give Zhang Dalong a chance to talk. He didn't let Zhang Dalong die without saying anything. Instead, he brought his son.

At the sight of the boy, who was only twelve or thirteen years old, Zhang's originally pale face became more pale and ugly.

"Ryan, you What do you want to do? " Zhang Dalong asked if he was so angry.

"What? Of course I want his life. " Ryan said with a cold smile.

As soon as Zhang Dalong's son saw that his father had become like this, he immediately became angry: "you let go of me. I tell you that if you do something to me, uncle Jane will not let you go. I want uncle Jane to kill your family."

Hearing his son's words, Zhang Dalong's face changed. He looked at his son incredulously, while Lei An smiled: "Uncle Jane? Are you still daydreaming about your ID? The one surnamed Jane is in trouble. He will come to help you? "

He killed all his family. He's really a little kid.

No matter how much the child doesn't know, it's actually sad for Lei An. He's only 12 years old. How can he grow up like this? Fortunately, his son often follows them. His temperament is very good now. All the previous diseases have been changed, which makes Lei an very relieved.

"Zhang Dalong, didn't you say that your son was still young and didn't know anything? What do you hear from him? "

When Zhang Dalong heard his son's words, his face was gray. He knew that even if he tried hard, his son would not survive. Such a vicious child, it was very difficult to say that he didn't do anything.

Lei An couldn't help laughing at Zhang Dalong's appearance. "Zhang Dalong, you look like this. It's really ironic."

Zhang Dalong looks at lei'an dead. He doesn't know the situation at all. His son, who is still talking fiercely, suddenly feels that his life after that is really sad. He gets everything, but he also loses everything. He thinks he can bear it, but now he finds that all is useless.

Slowly, the color in Zhang Da Long's eyes gradually disappeared, and his breathing was intermittent until none. The gray pupil and stiff face told the people on the edge exactly what happened, that is, whether Zhang Da Long was dead or was angry by his son. How ridiculous is that?

Zhang Dalong's son saw that Zhang Dalong had died, and snorted scornfully: "my mother said it was true. You are a waste indeed."

Fortunately, Zhang Dalong is dead. Otherwise, I don't know how he will be angry.

But Ryan can't stand such a person. As a younger generation or a son, it seems that not only this child, but also that woman has problems to say such a thing about her father.