On the way home, Ning Mengyao suddenly felt that someone behind her seemed to follow her. Her eyes narrowed slightly. Ning Mengyao walked towards a remote place.

"Come out after that long time." Ning Mengyao said in a cold voice with her back to the entrance of the alley.

Wu Ziyun came out of the darkness and looked at Ning Mengyao. "My aunt has been missing for a long time."

Hearing the familiar voice, Ning Mengyao turned around and squinted at Wu Ziyun, who was really similar to what she thought. Wu Ziyun was really here, but he was so calm that he could bear to come to her until now.

"Wu Ziyun..."

"Auntie, I never wanted to be your enemy, but why did you do this to me?" Wu Ziyun said angrily.

Is that what a thief calls for? I didn't know how to repent when I did something wrong. Now I come to question her. It's true I don't know.

"Why don't you say that you won't be our enemy when calculating us? Wu Ziyun, do you think we are all fools? "

"You forced me to do this. If you agreed to go with me earlier, wouldn't there be such a thing?" It's their fault for everything. They took apart him and sugar. "Now you kill my bodyguard and treat him that way. You forced me to do it."

"Don't talk so much about it. No matter how much you talk about it, it won't satisfy your greed." Ning Mengyao said sarcastically.

"If that's the case, you should die." Wu Ziyun's expression suddenly became ferocious: "kill her."

"Wu Ziyun, you are really naive." Ningmengyao shook her head and said, "I'm alive."

When Wu Ziyun was puzzled by Ning Mengyao's words, he was surrounded by a man in a blood suit and faced them.

"These people..."

"Now there are many people who want my life, how can I not make some preparations? See if I've caught the rat now? " Ningmengyao chuckled and said, "ningmengyao..." Wu Ziyun looks at Ning Mengyao with gnashing teeth. As expected, he is still too careless. Knowing that Ning Mengyao is seriously injured, he comes here after suffering from internal injury. He has not made any arrangements at all.

Ningmengyao's eyes closed slightly, then opened, and they were all cold: "hands on."


For a while, there was a scream in the alley, which was so fierce and so creepy.

Passers-by dare not look at this alley, and they left one after another. I'm afraid that as soon as they touch it, it will bring them great trouble.

Ningmengyao stood there with her hands around her chest, looking at the scene of almost one side falling, and the corners of her mouth were slightly hooked.

Wu Ziyun looked at such a scene, and his face was cold.

Looking at ningmengyao standing behind the crowd, he found a gap and went straight away. At the same time, he began to work on ningmengyao.

Ning Mengyao looks at Wu Ziyun and slightly hooks his lips: "Wu Ziyun, do you think it's your turn to fight me when I'm hurt?"

"You..." Before Wu Ziyun finished speaking, he widened his eyes: "how can you be ok? It's impossible. "

"I can't use my internal power, but I have more than enough to deal with you." Ning Mengyao chuckled and saw Wu Ziyun with cold eyes.

After receiving several moves from ningmengyao, Wu Ziyun understood what ningmengyao meant.

Dodging the attack of ningmengyao, Wu Ziyun clenched his teeth: "withdraw."

Today, he was too reckless and didn't arrange it well, so he came to this point. But he must repay this revenge.

Ning Mengyao watched Wu Ziyun take people away, with a strange arc on the corner of his mouth: "go after it, remember to lose people after it."


Ningmengyao glanced at the dead people on the ground, found the patrolmen and told them about it.