Ning Mengyao threw the account book aside, stood up and called for Qingshuang. They went to the dark prison together.

Seeing Ning Mengyao's arrival, the Jane's family had some accidents. Why did they come here suddenly?

"What do you want to do?" The head of the Jane family looked at Ning Mengyao with some vigilance. The woman suddenly came over. He didn't think it was just an accident.

Ningmengyao's smile is light: "nothing, just want to talk to you, it's so simple."

"We don't know anything." The head of the Jane family turned around. It was like that. I didn't want to say anything.

Ning Mengyao light her cheek: "don't you know? This is not your has the final say.

"I know. I'll tell you." When their spirits were tense and they tried to deal with Ning Mengyao, a voice came to mind. It was the eldest young master of the Jane family.

"What are you talking about?"

The young master of the Jane family ignored them, but looked at Ning Mengyao and said seriously, "I can tell you the secret of the Jane family, but I hope you can kill me directly at last."

He has been fed up with such a day. He doesn't want to live any longer. He just wants to be able to get rid of it earlier. He doesn't want to be tortured to death like Zhang Dalong.

Although the man was more infuriated by his son, he didn't want to bear the pain, and he didn't want to make himself miserable for these so-called secrets.

At that time, he saw clearly that as long as they didn't want to, they would not let people die. Even if you had only one breath left, they would come back.

Ning Mengyao looks at him unexpectedly: "why?"

"I've had enough of this fear, which I don't like very much, and it's their business has nothing to do with me, I don't have to suffer for them." Said the young master of the Jane family directly.

Young master Jane's words are not kind, but they are also natural.


"Don't be angry, or what can I do if I die of anger? I always want to ask you, what did I do to make you hate me so much? But to an outsider's son, you are so kind to him. He makes trouble for you to clean up, and me? If I'm in trouble, what else do you do besides give me a beating? Don't think I don't know anything. Is he your favorite son? I? It's just that you hate it. " Things have come to this point. Young master Jane is not going to be nice to them. His face is torn. Is there any time to stick it up again?

"What are you talking about?"

"My nonsense? When there's no one else, that kid calls you daddy, right

"He is my adopted son."

"Don't deceive me like a three-year-old. I'm not a fool." Young master Jane looked sarcastically at the self mocking opening of the master of the Jane family and said.

The master of the Jane family wants to tell him something, but the master of the Jane family doesn't give him anything. He looks directly at Ning Mengyao and says, "you must not have found anything of the Jane family, right? I'll take you. "

"It's better to be so natural. Let's go." Ningmengyao did not expect to have such an unexpected harvest.

Young master Jane left behind Ning Mengyao. When the master saw him like this, his eyes flashed over and killed him. When the crowd didn't respond, he started directly.

Qingshuang sneers and stops in front of young master Jane: "kill people in front of us, master Jane is good at it."

Martial arts, Qingshuang can't compare with the master of Jane's family, but she can use poison.

The master of Jane's family covered his arm and looked at the green frost with two silver needles in his hand: "how can you use poison?"

"It's natural to use some extraordinary means to treat people like you." Qingshuang doesn't care.

Young master Jane looked at the master of the Jane family, and understood that if it were not for Ning Mengyao and them, he would have been dead.

Young master Jane looked at Ning Mengyao and said seriously, "I will tell you everything I know."

"Come with me." Ningmengyao's eyes flashed a smile.

At the beginning, the young man told them something, in fact, in order to be able to die without suffering. In fact, he didn't plan to tell them much, but the actions of the owner of Jane's family completely angered him, so her harvest today may be very big.