"Let's go and have a look." Said Yu Feng.

"All the secrets of Jane's family are inside, which I found out by accident." Young master Jane looked at the place and said.

He will find that it's totally an accident. He came here with the owner of the Jane family. I don't know if he was in a hurry. So he didn't find the man behind him at all, so he finally let him know the secret of this place. Moreover, he went in twice secretly. At that time, he didn't know what the secret of this place was, but now he understands.

The things here are all of the Jane's.

Ningmengyao took young master Jane and they went in. Maybe even the owner of the Jane's family didn't know it had been found, right?

Maybe in the heart of the owner of the Jane family, his son doesn't know much at all, but I didn't expect that he knew the core thing. If they knew it, they wouldn't know if he would be angry directly.

Whether she will be angry or not, it seems that it has nothing to do with her. Now she is more interested in the things inside.

After entering the tunnel, there is a very open space, and there are some boxes in it.

Ningmengyao brows light pick to open a box, the facade is the account book.

Take out one and read it. After reading one, Ning Mengyao's face slightly changed. Soon after reading the second one and looking at several books in succession, Ning Mengyao's face changed greatly.

"In the morning you open all the boxes to see what's inside." Ning Mengyao quickly said.


Young master Jane saw that they had put their eyes on the boxes and went to an inconspicuous corner. He took out a box from there: "madam, look at this. Maybe you will be more interested in the contents."

Ningmengyao's movements stopped for a while, then she took the box and opened it.

There are several parchments in it. Ning Mengyao takes out one of them and looks at it carefully. This is a border defense map, and it's very detailed. Then there are the second and the third. After Ning Mengyao looks at it, his face can't be described with difficulty.

"Let's go back at once. All the boxes here in Qingxuan must be brought back quickly. Brother in law, let's go back first." After ningmengyao gave the order, she took the box and left immediately.

Yufeng and Muchen see her like this. Although they haven't seen what it is, they know that it's not going to be a good thing just to see ningmengyao like this.

Young master Jane smiled and left with them. I wish I could help you.

He had been thinking about when his father would see his efforts, but gradually he gave up the idea. Since those people would not pay attention to him, what else would he do? He will be scolded or ignored. He is not incompetent, but he can't stand to be ignored by some people.

If you can follow Ning Mengyao's side and let his ability be exerted, there is nothing wrong with following them.

And he believed that as long as she said it, she would not be looking for him.

After ningmengyao and his party returned to the general's mansion, they took Yufeng directly to their study, and young master Jane was arranged by ningmengyao to rest in the room beside them.

"What's the matter with you, Xiaoyao?" Yufeng they have never seen ningmengyao like this.

"There are several parchment drawings in this small box. Two of them are border defense maps. This is probably from Zhang Dalong. There are also two capital guard defense maps. I don't know where they got them. The remaining three are topographic maps of the place Tianchang and their destination. One is from the desert. I also have one I can't see. Brother in law, you go to ask sister Mei and Xuanxuan to come here. We've shown these account books together. The things here are very important. I'm too slow alone. In addition, I'll inform Tianchang to come back immediately. " It must be Joe Tianchang.

Yufeng and Muchen's faces changed. They turned around and left. Ning Mengyao looked at the drawings in her hand: "I hope I'm in a hurry."