"Now is not the time to investigate the responsibility. All the border cards at the border are fortified. Lei'an, you take Shi Song and others to do this together." Joe Tianchang shook his head. He didn't mean to investigate.


"Feng Xiao did me a favor."

"Tell me."

"Guard the border for me. I'll go back to Beijing immediately." Qiao Tianchang looked at him and said seriously.


Qiao Tianchang looks at fengxiao and smiles: "I will let Jiang Ying come out to help."

"To Qingliu?"

"Yes, I'm not sure about Qingliu alone." Although Qingliu's martial arts are good, they can't compare with Jiangying. He will be relieved if there is a master of Jiangying.

Feng Xiao nodded, "let's go. I'll keep it here."

"Thank you."

Feng Xiao reached out and hammered Qiao Tianchang's shoulder: "good brother doesn't say thank you."


Jiang Ying looks at the person who should leave and suddenly runs to him. He is a little strange: "what are you doing?"

"Shanger, their teaching is temporarily suspended. I'll let others take over. Jiang Ying, help me to Qingliu." Joe Tianchang said it directly.

After hearing this, Jiang Ying was speechless: "it's really a big pen, but I like it."

"I'm telling you it's true. I'm not kidding."

"I'm not joking with you either. I'm bored to death when I face these boys here every day." Although it's very interesting to toss about these boys, he would like to feel the excitement of the past.

"I'll leave it to you. Don't mess it up."

"Don't worry, don't worry." If he really dares to screw things up, he can certainly crush his bones.

Qiao Tianchang is satisfied. After talking to Jiang Ying, he goes to see Qiao moshang and Xiao Mu.

"Dad, are you back?" Qiao Mo Shang saw Qiao Tianchang run over excitedly and jumped to Qiao Tianchang.

"Second uncle."

Qiao Tianchang reached out and patted Qiao moshang on the shoulder. After a while of fighting with him, he put the man down. Then he went to Xiao Mu's side and reached out and picked up the man. "It's tall, it's strong, it's good."

"Second uncle, you let me down." Qiao Tianchang suddenly picked up Xiao Mu, who was a little upset, especially someone watching behind her.

"Why are you shy? I'm going to the capital. Would you like to write a letter to your father? There are many things on his side recently. I may not be able to write to you for some time. " Qiao Tianchang didn't tell Xiao Mu everything, but more or less he also said something.

"Yes." Xiao Mu nodded, came down from Qiao it an's arms, then ran back to his room and began to write.

He thought his father had ignored him. He didn't write to him because of something?

"Dad's going to be in trouble. You should be careful." Qiao moshang looked at Qiao Tianchang and said anxiously.

"Don't worry. I know your father and I are not such useless people." Qiao Tianchang said with a smile.

"I don't mean that. It's a tricky thing this time. There's a king star in Xiao's family. Compared with the King Star of Xiaomu, there must be one wound in the battle between the two kings. The one over there has grown up, and Xiaomu is only seven years old this year." Jomo said in a deep voice, worried in his eyes.

He also discovered it a few days ago. Even if Joe Tianchang can't come today, he plans to go out.

"Do you know about it?"

"I didn't tell him."

"After I left, I made it clear to him that the war could not be fought in two years. He had two years to grow up and he would go to war in two years." Said Jo in a cold voice.

It is not that he is too cruel, but that he must do so.

Before Xiao Mu's road was not very smooth. Now there is another king star. It's only bad for Xiao Mu. What he has to do is grow up as soon as possible, and the battlefield is the fastest growing place, although the way is cruel.

Xiao Qifeng was also more than ten years old when he went to the barracks. He started from the lowest soldiers and went up step by step. No one can help him.

"But he is still young."

"War will break out two years later. It's right that I can help Shanger, but I can't help him for his whole life. He needs to face many things himself. If he protects it too well, it will only become a tiger in the greenhouse. No matter how fierce the tiger in the greenhouse is, he can't fight the wild wolf. I think you should understand that."