In the end, Qiao moshang couldn't take Doudou outside, and he didn't know what they said outside. When they came in, there were still some little emotional Doudou just now. At that time, there was no emotion.

On the contrary, the small appearance is like a burning fight.

Ning Mengyao looks at Doudou and smiles at Qiao moshang: "brother, they have two days to go, these two days can give you a holiday."

"Thank you, ma'am."

They go out to play with fruit. Even young master Jane has let Ning Mengyao get rid of them. He plans to let him play with Qiao Tianchang and they will feel strange when they save.

"Xiaoyao, are you really going to let them go there?" Asked Yu Feng.

That place is the last defense line of tongbaozhai. All the people in it are perverts, and all the people they teach are little perverts. Are you sure she wants to do that?

"Brother in law, don't you think that place is suitable for them?" Ning Mengyao said with a smile on her face.

It can be said that the place was created by her. It only belongs to the war Hall of tongbaozhai. The people in it are all famous experts in the Jianghu. Everyone is good at different things. If these children can follow them to learn these things, Ning Mengyao thinks it will be a very interesting thing.


"As long as you say that, it's true. Two years later, I'm really looking forward to what they will look like." Not to mention that Yufeng also began to look forward to it, and then turned to look at this Mei Ruolin: "daughter-in-law, we also throw Yusheng back?"

"He will follow without us throwing it." Meiruolin didn't get angry.

From childhood, their son Yusheng was just with Qiao moshang. What did Qiao moshang do? Yusheng must also go back. So when Yusheng was two years old and was able to keep the road stable, he began to practice martial arts with Qiao moshang. To say, the feelings between Yusheng and Qiao moshang were no worse than those of Qiao moshang and tangtangdoudou.

“……” Yu Feng looks at Mei Ruolin speechless. He seems to have ignored the problem.

The good news is that the two children have a good relationship. The bad news is that his family Yusheng is Qiao moshang's attendant.

"Uncle, you don't have to worry about Yusheng being bullied."

"Who's worried about that kid being bullied? It's good that he doesn't bully others. " Said Yu Feng, not very angry.

His son has one advantage, that is, his heart is black, and he is the kind of man who lives towards death.

Joe Mo Feng shrugged and stopped talking. Instead, he focused on the account book in his hand.

Ningmengyao was thinking that several children would leave in two days. She immediately put down the things in her hands and did a lot of delicious food for them, which made them excited.

Two days later, Ning Mengyao and his party stood at the door and watched them leave. When they left, young master Jane had changed his name to unintentional, which was the name given by Qiao moshang.

Watching them leave, Ning Mengyao took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "they are gone, and we should continue to work."

"Yao'er is right. Let's go."

They went back to their study and continued their work.

While they were busy, Qiao Tianchang hurried back to the capital, half a month's journey, and was forced to arrive five days earlier by him.

When Qiao Tianchang arrived, he went directly to Fuman tower, and then he found a chance to enter the palace.

Xiao Qitian looked at Qiao Tianchang, who was standing in front of him and changed his appearance. His eyes were filled with amazement: "Tianchang, why are you here?"

"It's important to talk to you about something. Find a safe place to talk." Qiao Tianchang took off his hood and frowned at Xiao Qitian.

"Well, come with me and take you to meet someone." Xiao Qitian said, very happy to see Qiao Tianchang.


"You'll know when you come. Let's go." Xiao Qitian smiled and didn't tell him. He took people back to the bedroom and drove all the people out. Then he took Qiao Tianchang to the secret room to be public.