Qiao Tianchang shook his head and said, "no matter where the royal guards are or where the dark guards are, we should check. We can't let go of any problems."

"Tianchang is right." Xiao Qitian nodded and agreed with Qiao Tianchang.

Xiao Qifeng looked at the two people shake their heads, eyes with a little helpless: "I will not deal with these things."

"The memorial does not touch is like this, when I first came back is also like this, slowly good." Qiao Tianchang smiles to comfort Xiao Qifeng.

The three sat there to discuss matters. Xue nishang held her chin on both sides. Look at this and that. She didn't know how to do this. She could only lie on the table and play with fruits and other things.

After the three talked, Xiao Qifeng saw that Xue nishang was lying on the table and playing with the fruits. He couldn't help laughing: "is it so boring?"

"I can't understand what you said." Look at Xiao Qifeng in a daze.

"This time it's Mengyao who has something to deal with but doesn't come here. Otherwise, you can join her. She is a very good person, and you will like her." Xiao Qifeng reached out and rubbed the head of the snow neon clothes, and said with a smile.

Xue nishang looks at Xiao Qifeng: "is she very nice?"

"Well, it's a very gentle and powerful person." Xiao Qifeng nodded, thinking about ningmengyao, and immediately said.

"Then I must see what kind of person she is. Is she as good as you said?" The snow neon dress keeps nodding her head, saying very seriously.

Xiao Qifeng was amused by the appearance of Xue nishang: "OK, after we deal with the affairs here, we will go to the border with Tianchang. Then you will know Mengyao. There are several people who are also very good. They are good sisters with Mengyao."

"Is it? Will it be the same as the people over there in the snow? "

"You'll see for yourself then, won't you? I'm telling you now. You don't know, do you? " Xiao Qifeng said with a smile when looking at the snow neon dress.

Xue nishang reached for her chin and said seriously, "that's right. I'm looking forward to seeing Ning Mengyao now."

"Tianchang, don't mind. Nishang is such a character." Xiao Qifeng looked at her like that and couldn't help laughing and shaking his head, explaining to Qiao Tianchang at the same time.

Growing up in the snow is a very simple person. He usually likes everything he sees. He doesn't like it if he doesn't like it. He doesn't change the angle.

"It's OK. She's very good. I think Yaoyao will like her." Qiao Tianchang also smiled. It's the simplest and simplest way to get along with such people.

Xue nishang looks forward to Qiao Tianchang: "really? Will she really like me? "


Xiao Qitian looks at them speechless. Aren't they talking about serious things? Why did it suddenly become like this?

"I said, should we talk about what to do next?" Xiao Qitian asked without a word.

"Didn't we all make it clear just now? Tianchang and I are not suitable to come out. We can only help you in secret. " Xiao Qifeng picked up his eyebrows and looked at Xiao Qitian. He said with a smile on his face.

Xiao Qitian had a feeling of being struck by thunder: "brother, are you kidding me?"

"Do I look like I'm kidding you?"

"Qi Tian, Qi Feng is right. I can follow you to help you, but many things still need to be dealt with by you. After you clean up the people here and rearrange the guards in the capital, I will go back immediately. Yao Yao and Yao should have news." Qiao Tianchang looks at Xiao Qitian and says.

"So anxious?"

"Well, when I came here, Yaoyao and others were already dealing with it. I think it's almost done by now." Although there are so many account books, nearly ten big boxes, and it's very troublesome, he believes that the speed of reading account books by Ning Mengyao, together with Yu Feng's, will be no problem.

"What is she doing?" she blinked? Is it great? What does she know? "