Xiao Qifeng looks at Qiao Tianchang with a slight twitch at the corner of his mouth. Suddenly he says something like this. Is it to frighten people to death?

"Come on, play first. I'll take care of it." Then he got out of bed and left the two men behind.

Xue nishang turns to look at Xiao Qifeng: "Qifeng, I suddenly think that if you don't talk, you can just talk..." She couldn't find an adjective to describe what Joe Tianchang had just looked like.

Xiao Qifeng was amused by the appearance of Fei's adjective in Xue nishang's mind. He reached out and rubbed her head and melon seeds: "Tianchang sometimes, in fact It's funny. " In fact, he wanted to say a lot. He just thought that he should save face for his brother.

Xiao Qitian is marking the memorials. As soon as he has finished handling a pile of memorials, he turns around and sees Qiao Tianchang coming out of the memorials. He is shocked: "I'll go, Tianchang. You scared me to death. Are you ok?"

Joe Tianchang shook his head: "I'm all right."

"Then I'll rest assured."

"I'll go back to Fuman building."

"What's wrong with you living here? Why go back? " Xiao Qitian looked at Qiao Tianchang discontentedly and asked with a frown.

Qiao Tianchang looked at Xiao Qitian coolly: "some things need to be ironed while the iron is hot. I'm not sure how many people know about the things I came back after the things just happened."

"That's good." Although he arranged not to let it out, but now there are spies, he is really not sure whether the other party will know these things at any time.

Qiao Tianchang secretly left the palace and returned to fumanlou. He read all the letters he got. Some of them contacted Wu Ziyun and others.

One of them is more familiar to him. He is Cui Hao, the deputy commander of the royal forest army. He has always been dissatisfied with his position. When he was in the capital, he often did something to insult his superiors. Every time he happened to find out about it, he came to tell himself.

Sitting on the head of the bed, Qiao Tianchang squints at the person in front of him, his eyes slightly colder.

"Cui Hao..."

Qiao Tianchang changes his clothes and goes to Cui Hao's home. Cui Hao is not here at the moment and there is no one in his study.

For people like them, study is the best place to put things.

But this time Joe Tianchang was disappointed. He didn't find anything here.

"Master, you are back."

Hearing the sound from outside, Joe Tianchang's eyes narrowed slightly and turned to avoid.

Qiao Tianchang hid in the dark and watched Cui Hao come in from outside. He was followed by a man who was covered in a black robe.

"Joe Tianchang has come back from the border." The voice was deliberately disguised and sounded like a stranger. However, such a voice made Joe Tianchang frown slightly.

"How could it be?" Cui Hao stood up from the chair, his eyes widened, and asked incredulously.

"Jin Lei has died in his hand, and the woman has been taken away. All the things that Jin Lei didn't destroy have also fallen into Qiao Tianchang's hands." Said the man in black coldly.

When Cui Hao heard this, he stepped back a few steps, and his eyes were full of fear: "Qiao Tianchang is a very cruel person, and he is very smart. If he really comes, we will be found soon. Now we must kill that woman."

"Are you a fool to be Joe Tianchang? Kill now? "

"Or what do you say?"

"How to do this is something you should consider. I just want to remind you to pay attention to the movement of the palace. Qiao Tianchang must know something, or he will not come back secretly at this time." If Qiao Tianchang comes back in this way, there must be some purpose. Otherwise, according to Qiao Tianchang's character, he will not put his wife at the border.

They want to go to the border to kill Xiao Mu, Xiao Qitian's son, but they are late. Xiao Mu doesn't know where they sent him.

"What should I do now? Didn't you say you were going to kill Xiao Mu? How is it now? "