"Manager Fu, what are you doing?" Qiao Tianchang raised his eyebrows and looked at Fukang, who was standing in front of him. He asked indifferently.

Fukang's face was a little embarrassed. He quickly changed the topic: "if the general is OK, I will go in and serve the emperor."

Looking at the back that seems to be running away, Qiao Tianchang laughs playfully and stands at the door for a while before turning away.

After entering the Royal study, Fukang saw Xiao Qitian looking at him with inquiring eyes.

"What's the matter with the emperor, general Qiao?" Fukang asked casually, as if it was only because of simplicity,

but it was not so when it fell into Xiao Qitian's ear, Xiao Qitian's eyes narrowed slightly, and he said with a smile like: "Fukang, you seem to be very curious about what Tianchang said."

Fukang was stunned, then shook his head: "the emperor's minion didn't mean that."

"No such meaning? What do you mean by that? What does Tianchang tell me to tell you? Fukang, you're over. " Xiao Qitian looked at Fukang coldly and said.

Fukang used to be a smart man. He knew what to say and what not to say. But now Fukang is totally different. He seems to be very curious about everything. However, he didn't notice it yet, and sometimes he told it to Fukang.

He thought that he would not betray him the most, but at this time he betrayed him directly, and he also told each other a lot of things, is he helping the tyranny?

Although Fukang kneels on the ground in panic and keeps begging for mercy, he is dissatisfied with Qiao Tianchang in his heart. In his heart, it must be Qiao Tianchang who said something bad to Xiao Qitian. Otherwise, how could Xiao Qitian treat him like this?

"The emperor knows it's wrong." Fukang quickly opens his mouth and bows his head to admit his mistake. He will not die if he admits his mistake. Fukang can't do this, but Qiao Tianchang. Since he dares to do such a thing, don't blame himself for being cruel.

Xiao Qitian looks at Fukang and doesn't know what he's thinking. There seems to be no superfluous words like that, which makes Fukang more nervous. Xiao Qitian is usually the most tolerant to him. What's the matter today?

"Get up. Don't do such a thing next time." In Fukang's wild thoughts, Xiao Qitian suddenly spoke at will.

Fukang's tense body relaxed. He said, how could the emperor punish him?

"It's the emperor, please remember."

Xiao Qitian stops saying anything, criticizes the memorials on the table, and thinks about whether Qiao Tianchang's strategy is feasible. If it is not feasible, what should we do?

Fukang looks at Xiao Qitian, who really criticizes the memorial, but obviously he has lost his mind, and his brow is tightly wrinkled.

However, after what happened just now, Fukang is not stupid enough to go to this place. Now, he has come to ask Xiao Qitian what's wrong with him and what he's thinking.

Qiao Tianchang basically gave Xiao Qitian the job of Fukang. As for him, he could wait for Cui Hao in Fuman tower.

Cui Hao didn't show anything wrong at the beginning, but when he finally went out, he always felt that where Qiao Tianchang would look at him and what would happen to him.

At home, Cui Hao washed his face severely and looked at the front coldly after a while. He couldn't just sit there and die. He couldn't die in Qiao Tianchang's hands.

Cui Hao's eyes narrowed slightly, thinking of the man who had been on his head for more than ten years and who was very trusted by the emperor and Qiao Tianchang. There was a clear ferocity in his eyes, and he would not simply calculate it.

In the next period of time, Cui Hao began to decorate constantly. Of course, all of this was done in secret.

What he didn't know was that the things he thought were hidden were finished under a pair of eyes. If he knew, he would not be so happy.

Qiao Tianchang listened to the report from the following people, with a slight hook on the corner of his mouth: "keep looking at him and tell me if there is any action."