After Ning Mengyao finished saying this, he turned around and left. Jiang Ying looked at Ning Mengyao without words. If he belittled himself, he would belittle himself. Qiao Tianchang was also raised by chance. It's true. But when he thought of Ziling, Jiang Ying didn't have so many ideas. He left in a hurry.

Ning Mengyao's relaxed mood was only maintained until she returned to her study.

In the study, Leian and Yufeng are standing there. Leian's body is still bloodstained, but it is full of excitement: "sister in law."

"How to make it like this? Injured? " Ningmengyao frowned and asked how worried Lele would be if he was hurt.

Ryan quickly shook his head: "no injuries, it's all other people's blood. Five thousand of us killed 30000 of them. Although there were injuries, none of them died."

Ning Mengyao looks at Lei an unexpectedly. It's really a war in which the weak win the strong.

"Is he suspicious?"

"No, there's no problem with brother Yufeng's plan. And I heard that Jiang Ying is going to marry. This is the best time to clear the suspicion." Ryan said excitedly.

At this time, they can all hold weddings. They certainly don't know anything. Otherwise, they will do such things? Of course not.

Ningmengyao nodded: "I think so too, so this wedding is not only to be held, but also for the most part. It's better to make more noise at the beginning, but not too exaggerated, which makes people feel unreal."

"Yes, don't worry, sister-in-law. We will discuss this with Jiang Ying, but the eldest one..."

"I've sent messages to Tianchang. I'll be there in three days at most. I'll play a play for them in these three days. I'm afraid they will soon know about the news that you have destroyed your family." Ning Mengyao said with a smile.

Ryan laughed: "sister-in-law I know, so I'll go back to see Lele and Xi'er first."

"CIER is studying in the academy now."

"Yes, I forgot." Ryan clapped his head and laughed awkwardly.

After thunder followed Jomo Shang and they left, Reese went to study in the girls' school, which is what he would like to see very much. He didn't want his daughter to be the kind of person who can play, chess, calligraphy and painting, but he wanted her to know the characters and be reasonable, which was enough.

"Go back."

"Well, I'll go first."

"By the way, I forgot to tell you, uncle Yang, they all came here." Ning Mengyao suddenly thought of it.

Yang Yi and his family have all come here, that is, Yang Zhi has not come. Now Yang Zhi has been sent to the Imperial College to study because of his talent. Together with Xiao Lin and Xiao Mu, they were recommended by Qiao Tianchang. They are also the people trained for Xiao Mu. However, the facts prove that their talent and ability are good. Now they are the best in the Imperial College.

When Ryan heard this, his eyes lit up: "really? Father and mother and eldest brother and sister-in-law are here? "

"Yes, I arrived yesterday. Go back quickly." Originally, she wanted to call people back, but was stopped by Yang Zhu. She said that they could not delay the children's affairs because of their arrival. They could wait.

Ningmengyao just quit.

Lei An nodded and ran back quickly. Ning Mengyao couldn't help but marvel at the speed. However, he could understand that Lei An was an orphan. Since he married Yang Lele, he always treated their two elders as his own parents.

When Lei An came home, the Yang Zhu family was there.

"Mom and Dad, you are here."

"Ann, are you back? Did Yao Er write to you? " Yang Zhu asked with a frown when he saw Lei An.

"It's not my sister-in-law, it's my job over there. When I came back to tell my sister-in-law, he told me." Lei An saw that Yang Zhu had misunderstood him. He quickly explained.

As soon as Yang Zhu heard this, the seriousness on his face was immediately replaced by a smile: "so good, dad is afraid that when you know that we are here, you will leave things in your hands and run back. You are a general. You can't do such capricious things, you know? Are you hurt by the blood on your body? "