Although it's humiliating to say that, it's true that they don't have any chance to win over the person named Qingxuan, even if they do it together.

"Young master?" Cloud zero saw Xiao Zitian worried.

"It's OK. I'm really curious about his identity. It's arrogant." However, from the strength and bearing of Qingxuan, it's natural that the child can be arrogant.

Several people look at each other, some don't understand Xiao Zixun's meaning: "then shall we investigate the identity of that child?"

"No, just the one named Qingxuan can see that those people are very good at protecting the child. If we go to investigate, we will surely be detected before we know anything." Xiao Zitian shakes his head. If it's just ordinary children, they can try to investigate each other's identity, but the people behind the fruit are doomed to do nothing.

Cloud zero looked at Xiao Zixun and said, "if that's the case, are we OK?"

"Forget it? Who says it's over? "

"What do you mean, young master?"

"The border is so big. It should be easy to meet a person, right?" Xiao Zitian looked at them and said with a smile.

Cloud zero and cloud one or two people looked at each other and saw the obvious silence in each other's eyes: "young master, you don't want to make any chance encounter, do you?"

"Is there anything wrong with it?" As long as he can meet the child, he doesn't believe that he can't know his identity.

However, Xiao Zitian didn't expect that he didn't see Doudou after that, just like no one had appeared.

When Doudou comes home, Qiao Tianchang is talking to Ning Mengyao and Qiao mofeng.

"Dad." Doudou pours into Qiao Tianchang's arms, arms around his neck and shakes: "Dad, you've been gone for a long time, I miss you."

"Dad wants you too. Do you listen to my mother and grandpa Jiuyin at home?" Qiao Tianchang asked, holding his son.

Doudou quickly nods: "of course, but Dad, I think in fact, you want to be a mother more. I'm by the way."

Qiao Tianchang picked up his eyebrows and looked at his son. He said wordlessly, "you know again."

"I know. When did dad go out and come back?" Doudou white Qiao Tianchang a look, very disgusted said.

Qiao Tianchang looks at his son completely speechless. What's the expression of the child? Why does he think that the child is hating him?

"Son, are you hating me?" Qiao Tianchang asked, looking at his son seriously.

Guoguo thought about it, then nodded seriously: "Dad, this is what you think. I didn't say that." Guoguo looks at Qiao Tianchang innocently, which makes Xiao Qifeng laugh.

"Tianchang, you will also be rejected by your son? It's really rare. " Xiao Qifeng laughed.

Doudou sees his father's other people's jokes, and then he is dissatisfied: "who are you? My father is the best father." Words in the maintenance of Xiao Qifeng some helpless.

Just now, I still dislike it, but now it's about maintenance.

However, what Xiao Qifeng didn't know was that Doudou was one of Qiao Tianchang's children, who was the most protective.

In Doudou's heart, he can say his father, but not others.

"I'm your father's good brother." Xiao Qifeng said with a smile.

Doudou looks up and down at xiaoqifeng. When xiaoqifeng is about to open his mouth, Doudou suddenly says, "I know that you are brother Mu's uncle who is dying of a serious illness."

Serious illness Dying? Who told the boy that? Hurry out, he promised not to kill people directly.

Yufeng several people spurt out a laugh voice, Doudou is actually a poisonous tongue, in fact, speaking very hard.

"I'm well enough not to die." The smile on Xiao Qifeng's face was almost gone, explaining awkwardly.

Doudou curled his mouth: "is that right? I don't look like that. I look stiff and pale. Oh, yes... "

"Doudou is my father's brother. You should call him uncle." When Doudou wanted to say something else, Qiao Tianchang interrupted his words.