Snow nishang is not the kind of person who finds reasons and excuses after doing something wrong, and apologizes immediately.

Mei Ruolin and they really like this girl. They are hungry because she suddenly threw Ning Mengyao to the ground and got angry. Now, seeing her like this, they really don't know what to say.

In the room, Qiao Tianchang sat on the edge of the bed with a frown and looked at him lying on the bed. There was some red Ning Mengyao on his forehead. He didn't look good, but he couldn't say anything. Before he came, he knew that Xue nishang adored Ning Mengyao very much, but he didn't expect to go to this step.

Qiao Tianchang sighed, and later let Ning Mengyao be more careful.

It was not until the next morning that Ning Mengyao woke up. After waking up, there was still some dull pain on her head and some dizziness. Ning Mengyao could guess some of them, probably with a slight concussion.

"Are you OK Yao Yao?" See Ning Mengyao wake up, Qiao Tianchang hurriedly asked.

Ning Mengyao shakes her head: "I'm ok. It's still a little painful and a little dizzy."

"I'll let Qingshuang show you."

"It's OK. It's just a slight concussion. Take a rest and it's OK." Ning Mengyao shook her head and pulled Qiao Tianchang away from him.


"Well, there will be some symptoms when the head is hit. It's just a little dizzy. It's OK." Ning Mengyao explains what concussion is to Qiao Tianchang.

Qiao Tianchang frowned, with a worried expression on his face: "is this really OK?"

"Don't worry, I'm really fine. I'll be fine soon. Tianchang, you don't have to worry about me." Ningmengyao also felt that he was suffering from many disasters.

Qiao Tian thought about it, then shook his head: "no, I'm not sure. I'll let Qingshuang come to show you."

Seeing Qiao Tianchang go out, Ning Mengyao has no choice. Yufeng knows that Ning Mengyao wakes up and all of them come here. Seeing that Ning Mengyao's face is a little white, they lean on the bed: "are you OK, Yao'er?"

"I'm fine. Just have a rest."

"If it's OK, we'll be relieved."

"I'm sorry. It's all my fault. I pushed you down by accident. Don't be angry with me, will you?" Snow nishang went to the bed and looked at Ning Mengyao and said very uneasily.

Ning Mengyao smiled and shook her head: "I'm ok, I'll be OK soon."

This girl should be well protected by her family. Her eyes are pure and kind, which makes her angry even if she wants to.

Seeing that ningmengyao was really not angry with herself, xuenishang smiled happily.

"That's great. You're so nice that you're not angry with me." Xue nishang said, holding Ning Mengyao's hand by the bed.

Ning Mengyao looks at snow and neon clothes, and suddenly she gets a good person card?

When Ning Mengyao was at a loss, Xue nishang suddenly took out a lot of things and put them in front of Ning Mengyao: "this is what I gave you."

Of course, a lot of things are all kinds of drugs.

Ningmengyao's eyelids twitch slightly, but she looks at the man in front of her, speechless looking at the sky. Why does it become like this? Why should she send medicine?

"I'll tell you, these are all pills made of snow lotus that I picked up on the snow mountain. After I eat them, I will have a hairdressing." Snow nishang situation didn't see their expression the same, smile to make an introduction with her.

Ning Mengyao blinked: "snow mountain?"

"Yes, is my home in the snow field? There are snow mountains everywhere. I think you are still beautiful here. We are not good-looking except white." Think of the snow, snow clothes wrinkled nose dissatisfied said.

Ningmengyao looked at the snow and neon clothes in surprise: "is there something like ferrets in the snow area?"

"I don't know if this one is available, but I know it's wolf white." Snow nishang shook her head, eyes are confused, ferret he did not see, but she saw snow wolf.

"Is it? Isn't that beautiful? " Ning Mengyao immediately became interested.

However, Xue nishang frowned: "it's not beautiful. It's so fierce, especially snow wolf king. It's frightening."