Xue nishang smiled contentedly: "that's great, but Mengyao said that you would have a lot of things, right? Are you tired of learning so much? "

"No, I'll learn when I'm interested."

Xue nishang nodded with her head askew: "is that so? Can you teach me how to cook? "

"Well? Why learn to cook? " Ning Mengyao looks at the snow and neon clothes in astonishment.

"Haha, next year is my grandfather's centenary. I want to give him a meal by hand." Snow neon dress some embarrassed say.

"OK, no problem."

"Mengyao, you are so kind." Xue nishang hugs Ning Mengyao, who is both pro and pro, so that the people on the side look at Qiao Tianchang at the same time.

As expected, Qiao Tianchang's face was dark. He stretched out his hand to pull up the snow and neon clothes and threw them into Xiao Qifeng's arms: "this is my daughter-in-law. I want to kiss you. I want to kiss your man. This is mine."

"Cheapskate." Xue nishang makes a big face at Qiao Tianchang and hums.

Ningmengyao reached out to wipe the saliva on her face, and then said with a black line, "are you off topic?"

All of them were stunned and couldn't help laughing: "Yeah, isn't this about finding something with Xiao Zi? Why did you come here all of a sudden? "

Ning Mengyao helplessly looked at them: "Xiao Zixun is a very intelligent person, he may have seen through the previous things."

"See through? Why didn't he say that? "

Ning Mengyao smiled: "why? It has nothing to do with him. "

"Now what does he want to do?"


"Challenge?" Yu Feng and others looked at each other, some of them could not understand Ning Mengyao's meaning.

Ning Mengyao smiled and nodded: "yes, Xiao Zitian is a person who is not interested in anything. Maybe our previous actions made him interested."

"He wants to challenge you?" They have a strange feeling.

But Ning Mengyao shook her head: "no, it's not me that he wants to challenge, it's Xiao Mu that he wants to challenge."


"Yes, as the King Star of the Xiao family, he must know the existence of mu'er. With our backing, he may want to see how far we can teach mu'er, or who is more powerful than mu'er." Ning Mengyao analyzed the information she got and told the people her conclusion.

Yufeng and they had a very confused feeling, and Xiao Qifeng asked, "that is to say, what we have to do on the other side of the family has nothing to do with Xiao Zixun. The purpose of his coming is not for the Xiao family, but for the challenge?"

"Yes, maybe the two monarchs will become friends in the end, but who is right about that? Are you right?" Ningmengyao smiled. In fact, she thought that if Xiaomu and xiaozitian could become good friends, it would be a good result.

A fight between two tigers doesn't have to hurt one, does it?

Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao thoughtfully: "two years later, I will definitely meet Zhenzhang."

"Well, two years is enough. I believe mu'er will have a very happy two years." Ning Mengyao's smile is meaningful.

Yu Feng looks at Ning Mengyao and says, "I suddenly mourn for those children."

"Why?" At the same time, they looked at Yu Feng with doubts on their faces.

"Because every time xiaoyao'er shows such an expression, someone will be unlucky, so she is calculating the children of mu'er." Yufeng shrugs. They are too familiar with such eyes, because they have been treated like this before.

Ning Mengyao picked up her eyebrows and looked at Yu Feng: "this is for their good, and do you believe they will have a good time?"

Yufeng doesn't speak because Ning Mengyao is right. They really have a good time, because the life inside is really love and hate.

"Don't you worry that when those children come out, their character will completely change?" Yu Feng asked helplessly.

"Where can I go when I change? Brother in law, I believe those children, especially mu'er and the little monkey. "