Ning Mengyao and Qiao Tianchang look at each other: "are you here to ask us this?"

"Of course not. I heard that you are very good at business, so I want to have a look. If I can, I want to cooperate with you." Wind erosion said at random, seems not to mind, Ning Mengyao their problems.

Ning Mengyao looks at the wind erosion eyebrow and slightly Picks: "listen to people say?"

"Well, you must have guessed that for a long time, right? Don't try to test me here. Don't think I really don't understand anything when I'm young. " Wind erosion looked at Ning Mengyao like that, immediately said.

Ning Mengyao looked at the wind erosion curiously: "why do you think so?"

"Well, it's so hard to deal with you." Wind erosion to cry no tears of the mouth said.

Ning Mengyao looked at the twelve people who disliked them with a wry smile: "I think your character is easy to be hated."

"Hate it. They don't dare to take me. I don't mind." Wind erosion very single said.

All of a sudden, Ning Mengyao felt that she liked the child's personality.

"To be honest, I seem to like you a little." Ning Mengyao said with a smile.

"I don't like you." Wind erosion felt his body has a cold line of sight, said immediately.

Ning Mengyao was stunned and smiled at Qiao Tianchang on the edge. "Come in."

The wind erosion was observing the general's mansion all the way, but all it saw were some ordinary things. The wind erosion was immediately curious: "aren't you so rich? Why do you live in such a place? "

Such a place for wind erosion, in fact, is really similar to the houses of the poor, and does not conform to their identity at all.

"Is there anything bad here? It's just a place to live at will. If we go to a place and clean it up, it will be resplendent. How much do I have to spend? I'm very poor. " Ning Mengyao sighed heavily and said pitifully.

When people nearby heard ningmengyao's words, they couldn't help but burst out laughing. Don't think they didn't know how many pearls their wives had crushed when their highness in the desert asked for their young lady. They were all valuable.

People who regard pearls as toys are still crying here? Interesting? That's enough.

The wind erosion black line looked at Ning Mengyao and said with contempt: "you say something, even your servants don't believe it. You're too fake. The first business group's leader doesn't have money? How can you cheat me when I'm a kid? "

Ningmengyao blinked and looked at the person in front of her with a surprised face: "how do you know that I think so?"

“……” Wind erosion felt that the heart was blocked. In fact, this man was the same as her son, who grew up eating arsenic.

Ning Mengyao looks at the wind erosion with a smile: "a child must look like a child, so what does an old man do?"

Apart from other things, the wind erosion in front of us is really a better child. People are very lovely and easy to bully. It's not like feng'er's ghost spirits. They all wanted to have fun. It was a childhood thing.

Wind erosion hummed and didn't speak, but it was silent.

Ningmengyao laughingly shook his head, took people to the study, where the wind has been waiting.

"You said you wanted to work with me? What are you doing with me? You know that your friend and I are enemies now. " Ningmengyao sits on the chair, looks at the wind erosion, the smile on the face is light.

After seeing ningmengyao for a while, Fengshi said seriously, "I really want to talk to you about this matter. As for xiaozixun, he has no interest in Xiaoguo. Now he is just playing."

Ning Mengyao smiled and nodded, "I believe what you said."

"Then will you cooperate with me?"

"I believe we don't have to cooperate. If we cooperate with you, our risk will be doubled. Although cooperation with you will make us a lot of money, the risk is the same." Ning Mengyao looked at the wind erosion light said.

Wind erosion was silent for a while, then looked at Ning Mengyao: "I know what you mean. Now the situation of both sides is really right."