Qiao Tianchang looked at the man who seemed to have entered the state of madness in front of him. He couldn't help feeling helpless: "so far, do you still think so?"

"Isn't it?" The other side looked at Joe Tianchang and sneered.

How many years he wandered on the edge of life and death, and made himself look like this man, ghost and ghost, but Qiao Tianchang? What's he doing? He is in very happy life, have a wife to have a son, this kind of life should be his, Joe Tian Chang He by what?

Qiao Tianchang looked at the people in front of him and shook his head in disappointment: "you really have changed."

At the same time, Feng Xiao, who had cleaned up the man, frowned at his words: "Tianchang, do you really know this man?"

Qiao Tianchang nodded and looked at the person opposite: "he is my twin brother, Qiao Tianci."

Feng Xiao was stunned at first, then looked at the person opposite, and then looked at Qiao Tianchang: "you Brother brother?


Feng Xiao takes a look at Qiao Tianchang's beautiful face. He can't help but cover his face. The gap is too big.

"Are you sure you two are twins?" Feng Xiao knew that although he was not right, he couldn't help saying.

Qiao Tianchang glanced at fengxiao and said, "I'm the same as him."

"But he..."

"But in order to become stronger and eat what he shouldn't, he will make himself look like this. Now he can only say that he is a poison man, a higher poison man than those outside." Qiao Tianchang said with a wry smile.

Feng Xiao took an unexpected look at Qiao Tianci and said strangely, "how could he become like this? Besides, it seems that I hate you very much. "

"At the beginning, we knew Qi Tian and them together, but his character was a little lonely, and we couldn't get him together. Later, he disappeared in an accident, and we didn't find anyone for a long time." At that time, he would think that people are dead or not, but he didn't expect that although he lived well, he made himself look like a man, a ghost or not.

Qiaotianci heard qiaotianchang's words and sneered: "qiaotianchang, you don't want to say these grand words. If you didn't say something about me in front of them, would they alienate me like that?"

Qiao Tianchang looked at him like this, frowning tightly.

So far, does he still think so?

"I've never said anything about you. It's because your own ideas are too extreme. I always think I've said something bad about you. In fact, I didn't do anything." Joe Tianchang tries to explain to him, but Qiao Tianci doesn't seem to want to hear.

Feng Xiao glanced at Qiao Tianchang and said, "he is one of those people who can't get into the ox's horns. You tell him that he can't hear so much."

This person's heart is too dark, but he pushes all things to others. He never looks for problems from himself. Who is to blame for having no friends?

He could imagine that if the man really married, he would doubted his wife in the future.

I don't even know where I was wrong. What qualification does this person have to say these words?

Qiao Tianchang was silent for a while and looked at Qiao Tianci: "what I told you is true. Believe it or not, it's your own business. Do you make yourself like this because you hate us? Are you for revenge? "

"That's right, I only hate that time why I didn't kill you, and let you live well, not only live well, but also strengthen so much." Qiao Tianci looks at Qiao Tianchang, and his eyes are full of cruel color.

Joe Tianchang laughed at himself: "it's you."

"What's the matter with the boss?" Ryan and their faces changed when they came here. What do they mean?

Qiao Tianchang smiled and shook his head: "it's OK."

Ryan's face changed very ugly: "boss, is this guy a gift from heaven? How much more do you want to hide from him? All the things he did before have been blamed on you, even if you don't say anything, now you still have to help him keep it from you. "