"It should be the Jane family." Cloud a thought wants to open mouth to say.

Xiao Zitian thought for a long time before he remembered who the Jane family was: "they are still alive."

"It should be that Ning Mengyao didn't do anything to these people of the Jane family." Said cloud with a shrug.

Looking at the chess pieces on the board, Xiao Zitian then smiled: "I know that Xiao leisurely is not as good as Ning Mengyao."

"Well? What do you mean, young master? " Cloud zero and cloud one looked at Xiao Zitian with some consternation. Their master suddenly said why?

Xiao Zitian looked at the black and white chess pieces on the chessboard: "in addition to IQ, that is the mind."

"Nature of mind?"

"Ning Mengyao is a very negotiable and tolerant person, while Xiao Youran is ruthless." Xiao Zitian said casually.

Cloud zero and cloud look at each other, but they still don't understand.

"You don't understand?"


"I'm afraid that the purpose of Ning Mengyao's keeping the people of the Jane's family is to see if anyone will die." Xiao Zitian listened to the voice from the next room.

In fact, Ning Mengyao is just curious, not sure if the Xiao family will come, but his appearance is different.

The Xiao family suffered such a big loss in Qiao Tianchang's hands. How could it be that way? So what they may do is to come to him. For the Jane family, they may have died in the eyes of the Xiao family.

Even if they didn't die, could they still live well when they returned to that place?

After all, I spent so long in someone's cell, but I didn't do anything. It was like treason.

"No?" Are those people raised for the theatre? How boring is the leader of tongbaozhai to do such a thing.

"Why not? Don't you find that these two people in the general's mansion are actually very willful? " Xiao Zi asked, picking his eyebrows.

Ming knew that he and Xiao Mu would be enemies, but he still allowed him to be in the general. Ming knew that wind erosion had a good relationship with him, but he agreed to cooperate with them. All of this shows a problem, that is, Ning Mengyao is really headstrong, and headstrong. In addition, there is a pet wife to a hateful guy. He really doesn't know what to do Say they are husband and wife.

"It's really headstrong."

Such two wayward masters, what can the following people do? Just thinking about this, they suddenly launched cloud zero, and they actually followed a very headstrong master.

"Do you two have a problem with me looking at me like this?" Xiao Zitian looked at them and asked.

The two shook their heads at the same time: "no, my subordinates are just thinking, is it because you are also very headstrong, so you can guess what Mrs. Qiao means?"

“……” Now it's Xiao Zixun's turn to be speechless. What does this guy mean? Is it hard to dislike him?

The voice outside listened slowly: "there is really no way to win."

"Young master, if the people of the Xiao family know that you should gloat at at this time, will they regret letting you come?"

"They regret it. It's their business."

Outside Ning Mengyao suddenly turned around and looked at the back: "well, it seems that she still has a back hand."


Ningmengyao flies away, and when she comes out again, she holds her Guqin in her hand.

"What do you want to do, Xiaoyao?" Yufeng and they look at Ning Mengyao. This person doesn't want to play the piano because of his leisure?

Ningmengyao sat on the roof, put the piano in her hands on her legs, and looked at the people, with a slight hook on the corner of her mouth: "in fact, it's nothing. I just want to see how much I learned from Jiuyin."

When the nine notes were in, she also followed the nine notes to learn the sound attack for a period of time, that is, she did not know how the result was.

“……” Yu Feng and they look at Ning Mengyao with their very hate: "every time you learn something new, we really hate to take your head apart and see what's in it." Said Yu Feng, biting his teeth.

"I can't help but envy." Ningmengyao said lightly, fingertips gently moving the strings in his hands.