So sometimes Yufeng really doesn't want to talk to Ning Mengyao. Sometimes this girl talks too much.

Mei Ruolin looked at Yu Feng's angry appearance and couldn't help laughing. Yu Feng was so funny.

"My daughter-in-law, are you going out of your elbow and bullying your husband with others?" Yu Feng looks at Mei Ruolin and asks.

"You know."

In the noise, the time passed. Soon it was the day before Jiang Ying married them. The general's house was very festive, as was the house Jiang Ying bought.

In this period of time, Sanniang saw many different places of Jiangying. Until then, Sanniang really understood that she and Jiangying were really inappropriate, no matter whether there was any purple spirit or not.


"I'm ok, but I didn't expect Jiang Ying to look like this. It's really incredible. Do you think so?" Sanniang said with a wry smile.

People on the side looked at the front: "at the beginning, we thought we were wrong, but we didn't expect that Jiang Ying really changed, changed It's more like a person. "

Sanniang looked at the people on the side, but said: "you mean to say that he was not a person before?"

"It's not, but he didn't care about anything before, but now it's different. He has something he cares about and wants to protect."

"Maybe you are right, but it would be very happy to be protected by him, right?" Three niangs murmur to say.

When seeing Jiang Ying's kindness to Ziling, Sanniang always can't help thinking about her time with Jiang Ying.

At that time, I took her as if I had never seen Jiang Ying like this. Sometimes I even saw Jiang Ying's face with impatience.

Maybe from then on, Jiang Ying didn't like her, but she had always been wishful thinking that even if they were like this, they could still be together, but she ignored, she liked Jiang Ying, but Jiang Ying didn't necessarily like her.

"Can't you put it down?"

"How can a person like that for a long time put it down? If it's you, can you let it go? " Sanniang turned her head to look at the people beside her and asked with a smile.

"I don't know."

"You don't know for sure. I've loved Jiang Ying for many years. He has become a part of my life. Even though he has been missing for many years, I'm not sensitive. Why do we become like this? Second brother, do you think it was because I was too urgent?" Sanniang looked at the people on the edge indefinitely, said bitterly.

The man called second brother looked at Sanniang and said, "can you only see Jiangying in your eyes?"


"It's OK. I went to find Jiang Ying." The second turned away, his eyes were obviously upset.

Sanniang looks at him to leave, the eye ground flashes clear doubt, he this is how? Just now everything was fine. How did it suddenly become like this? Can't she say something wrong and make him angry?

While Sanniang was thinking nonsense, the second one had come to Jiangying's yard, and he was drinking with other people.

Even at this time, Jiang Ying's face was smiling, and his face turned ugly.

"Jiang Ying, you bastard." The second one went over and punched Jiang Ying in the face.

Jiang Ying frowned, and the man next to him reached for his arm: "what are you doing, second?"

"What? Brother, why does he treat Sanniang like this? Sanniang has been waiting for him for so many years, but he wants to marry someone else. What should Sanniang do? " The second pointed to Jiang Ying and said angrily.

Jiang Ying looked at him like this and suddenly smiled: "how does she relate to me? I've said it for a long time. I didn't promise anything to her, and I didn't give her any idea. It's your self righteous to impose everything on me. "

"Jiang Ying you..."

"If you like her, you don't have to involve all things in me. Like is like, don't like is don't like, I don't like her, whether before or now, I just regard her as my sister, never like her." Jiang Ying looked at the second one and said word by word.