Sanniang laughs at herself. Don't they see her like this?

"Jiang Ying is really in love with Ziling. Haven't you seen it yet?" The eldest looked at the third Niang and asked.

"So what? Isn't it normal to have three wives and four concubines? " Sanniang said stiffly.

The eldest brother looked at Sanniang's extremely stubborn appearance and shook his head: "you still don't know Jiangying well."

In the eyes of outsiders, Jiang Ying is a playboy in the dark, but only they know that it's just a representation. Jiang Ying's feelings are as clean as a piece of white paper.

Three niangs saw the eldest one eye, silent for a long time, then whispered: "do I really want to forget?"

But she is really not willing, why give up like this?

The eldest brother looked at Sanniang and shook his head: "love doesn't have to be obtained. It's also love when it's completed a lot."

Three niangs saw the eldest one eye, eyebrow slightly wrinkly, complete also is love? Can it be the same?

"Three niangs really love a person, not necessarily to get, looking at each other's happiness is not so good?" The eldest brother looked at Sanniang and said with a smile, but there was some trance in his eyes.

Jiang Ying goes back to her room. Her face is all upset. What do they want to do? Are they all here to make trouble for themselves?

Just think of these people are to make trouble, Jiang Ying's expression is very ugly.

Lying on the bed, my eyes are staring at the top of the bed. I don't know what Ziling is doing now. Is it OK? Is the child obedient.

Qingshuang said that Ziling may have a poisonous person, but it really doesn't matter to him, as long as the child can be born safely.

After staying in the room for a while, Jiang Ying got up and went to the general's mansion.

Looking at Jiang Ying, who was full of wine, everyone felt helpless.

"Jiang Ying, which one is on?"

"It's OK, but I'm a little fidgety." Jiang Ying frowned and said.

Ningmengyao several people look at one eye: "those people in your family?"

"Well, I knew it would be like this, so I wouldn't let them come. Now I'm like a heartbreaker, even if I'm accused, I'll be beaten." Jiang Ying said angrily.

Before the second and third Niang's words, let him very unhappy, their own affairs why involve him.

"It seems that I can't be angry, otherwise I won't be like this." Ning Mengyao looked at Jiang Ying and joked.

"Mengyao is so kind that I'm about to spit blood. You're still here. Are you really good?" Jiang Ying didn't say that.

Ning Mengyao nodded, then looked at Jiang Ying and said, "what do you do if that woman says she wants to be your concubine?"

"It's almost as if I have a brain problem." I'm used to the feelings of two people in my whole life. He goes to three wives and four concubines? I'm not doing nothing.

What's more, three wives and four concubines are just men's self-esteem. If they really love one person, how can they let other women make their beloved woman sad?

Although Jiang Ying didn't answer this question positively, Ning Mengyao also understood his meaning, that is to say, there could be no other women.

"Jiang Ying, you know, none of us have three wives and four concubines. If you do, we will despise you." Ning Mengyao said with a smile, although the tone with the meaning of joking, but also very seriously.

"I don't need you to say I know. Besides, I don't like her. If I really like her, will I get married until now?" If Sanniang is really the person he likes, then he will contact people when he comes out of the cell. Why don't he take the letter to them when he is about to get married?

And the person he called didn't have Sanniang. She came here by herself. Who can blame?