Ning Mengyao looked at Xiao Zixun in silence, "this is your family. Are you sure you want us to crush it and throw it out?"

"Well, I have nothing to do with them. I am me, they are them. I understand what you mean." Xiao Zitian said seriously.

"Is it? Then what are you going to do? Don't get in the way here. " Ningmengyao waves impatiently. It's like catching flies. This treatment makes Xiaozi look black.

"You let me out." This woman's problem, let him out, and drive him away, but also not let him see a play, is there such a thing?

"You're right."

Xiao's family, led by Xiao Shi, saw that Xiao Zitian and Ning Mengyao had such a good relationship, and their faces slightly changed.

"Young master, it's better to stop."

"Do you know a word? That is to say, I will not accept orders from foreign troops, and I am now a prisoner. Do you want to threaten me? Yes, no problem at all. As long as you can get me out of this place, young master, I have something else to do, so I won't play with you. " Xiao Zitian turned to leave. When he left, he looked at Ning Mengyao and said, "my little life will be yours."

Ningmengyao blinked, looked at Xiao Zitian who left, then turned to look at them, with wonderful expression: "brother in law, are we being cheated by this kid?"

"That's right." They are not only trusted by others, but also fully utilized by this person. However, why don't they feel angry, but also think this guy's reaction is very interesting?

"What have you done to our young master?"

"I didn't do anything, but I prepared a lot of good things for him. Maybe he was a little bit more happy in our cell." Ning Mengyao stall, helplessly said.

They couldn't help laughing. Xiaoyao dare to say it, but it seems that it is the same.

"This is the end of gossip. Let's compare brother-in-law. Whose speed is faster?" Ning Mengyao suddenly looked at Yu Feng and said.

"Not compared with you." Their martial arts are not at the same level, compared with Ning Mengyao? It's not that they have a brain problem.

Ning Mengyao stands out and says, "that's a pity. How can we compete with each other?"

"OK, let's do it."

The competition between Qiao Tianchang and Ning Mengyao is still very interesting. Yufeng and them didn't do anything, so they stood on the edge and watched them do it. They didn't comment on each other, which made Ning Mengyao speechless. These people are enough to do such a thing.

But Ning Mengyao didn't care. If she cared about it, she would lose.

They know how powerful ningmengyao and his wife are. But now when they see their martial arts, their heart suddenly cools. Before they do their best, they will not have any Parry ability. If they do their best

Xiao is even afraid to think about it. Looking at the slowly decreasing people, Xiao is worried. He can't stay here anymore. He must leave immediately.

No matter how worried Xiao was, he didn't show it.

When ningmengyao and his wife deal with other people, Xiao is ready to flee.

Yu Feng flashed in front of Xiao Shi and said, "have we let you go?" Do you really think they are just standing by watching the play? If so, don't they mix?

Xiao's expression changed slightly. Suddenly, he took out two balls from his arms and hit them on the ground.

Yufeng looks at the smoke around him, frowns tightly, and even uses a smoke bomb. It's really Don't be shameful to the extreme.

When the smoke is gone, there is no one in front of the wind.


"Nothing." Ningmengyao naturally noticed the things here, and immediately said with a smile.

A person who wants to escape must have some means. If he or she escapes, he or she can understand. However, his or her smoke bomb effect is not bad.

Some of them also escaped, all of them with high martial arts.