Jomo's grief was so serious that he felt helpless. He reached out and rubbed his baby brother: "well, don't think about it so much. If sugar sugar is still the same as before this time, we talked to her in vain in the last issue."

If the sugar is still like that this time, he doesn't mind giving a lesson, a very profound lesson.

Doudou nodded: "I know, let's go."

"Go, Doudou let someone take you. You are too young to ride a horse. So is Yusheng." Jomo Shang also points out two small ones, let people take them away, so let them go, it's really not reassuring.

Doudou looks at Qiao moshang's horse riding, some of them are itchy, and their eyes are bright: "brother......"

"No, you need to be older." They are on their way. If they are only in the horse farm, he doesn't mind letting Doudou play by himself, but how can they?

Doudou flat mouth, but still nodded: "I listen to my brother."

Jomo Shangs face with a satisfied smile: "let's go."

Jiuyin looks at these children on the edge with a smile on his face. These are all good children, each with a good future.

Riding with Doudou, Jiuyin looks at Doudou and doesn't know what he's thinking: "Doudou, you said before, you're sugar brother, don't you really get angry? What's the matter now? "

Doudou was silent for a long time, and then looked at the front. After a long time, he said, "Grandpa nine, I just feel uncomfortable."

When candy didn't come back, he didn't feel it, but now he heard that people were coming, which made Doudou a little uneasy.

"Grandpa knows, but have you ever thought, what if sugar is not what you think? Isn't that unfair to sugar? So you, don't think about it. Let it be as it is and don't be too demanding. " Jiuyin looks down at Doudou in his arms and says with a smile.

Doudou thinks about it carefully. It seems that it's the same. I haven't seen anyone yet. How can she think about sugar like this? Isn't that unfair to sugar?

"I see."

"Well, don't think so much about it. After working so hard in it for so long, you can relax a little bit after you go back." Nine sound clapped to clap the shoulder of Doudou to say with a smile.

Doudou nodded, "OK, I miss my father and mother so much."

From birth, Doudou seldom left Qiao Tianchang's side. This time, if it wasn't for an accident, it would take him two years to see his parents.

Half a month later, Tangtang and his party finally arrived at the border city. As soon as they arrived at the gate of the general's mansion, Tangtang jumped down and ran into the house.

The guard at the door saw a little girl running to the general's house. I wanted to stop her. But after I saw her face, I immediately knew who it was. This is their general's little daughter, a young lady learning skills outside.


"And my parents?"

"The general and his wife are inside."

"I went to see my parents." Then he ran in.

Huangfu Qing and Zhao Mingyu shook their heads helplessly when they saw the excited look of Tangtang.

By the time they found Ning Mengyao and them, Tangtang had been coquetting in their arms for a long time.

"What about the big brother and his mother? And beans? Are they training? " Sugar in ningmengyao's arms greasy crooked for a while, just looking at the side of ningmengyao asked.

Ning Mengyao smiled and shook her head: "it's right to train, but not at home. They will probably be back in these days."

"Come back? Where have the elder brother and Doudou gone? " Sugar asked doubtfully.

"Go to tongbaozhai for training. If it wasn't for your eldest brother to get married, you might not see anyone in two years." Ning Mengyao explained with a smile.

Sugar small mouth big open: "ah? They're gone, too? "

"Well, yes, it didn't take long, just two or three months. What's the matter?" Ning Mengyao looked down at sugar and asked with a smile.

"Why did the mother let Doudou leave?" Doudou really doesn't understand. Why does the mother do this?