This person's words make the laughter of these people on the edge suddenly seem to be stuck in the neck, and the expression also becomes very stiff.

"Are you right?"

"As far as I know, Xiao is the only one who can be called master Shang." And all the minister's children have mourning names, and only Joe Tianchang's son, Jomo, mourns alone. There is nothing else.

"How could it be?" Before the arrogant people, at this moment, their eyes widened, they even hit Qiao moshang's friend?

Qiao moshang looked at them with a cold smile: "it's a great honor for you to guess my identity, but That doesn't mean that I'm going to let you go and look after people. Don't try to escape any of them. "

"Don't worry, brother Shang. It's on us." Xiao Mu and others quickly nodded.

Doudou takes a look at all of them, finds a place casually, and puts some big Qin on his legs. His fingers are carefree to play the strings. Qiao moshang's smile is more obvious when he listens to his mouth.

"You What are you going to do? "

"What? It's nice to hit my friend, isn't it? I don't do anything about you, what you do to my friends, I'll make you pay back in double. " Say, the figure of Qiao Mo Shang has arrived in the crowd, and all the moves are killing moves.

"Ah..." One of them screamed loudly. It turned out that the right hand was broken by Qiao Mo Shang.

"How dare you do this to us? We are But the envoys of Fengguo. " One of them was frightened by Qiao moshang's appearance, and stammered.

"Uncle fengshuo's? That's right. I'll clean up the door for Fengguo. " Jomo said coldly.

Think it's Fengguo's great? He does not miss it.

Besides, will uncle fengshuo come to their trouble because of these people? How could this be? I really thought they were something.

"Is this the so-called emissary? I hurt my friend just now, but I don't think it's a shameful way? Otherwise, how could the friends of young master Shang be hurt by them? " Whispered the man on the side.

"I saw this. It seems that they and young master Shang's friends have the same thing in mind. They let young master Shang's friends give it to them. If young master Shang's friends didn't give it to them, they took advantage of their mobile hands. It seems that they also used something ugly."

Hearing these people's words, it was undoubtedly adding fuel to the fire for Jomo Shang. Those faces were all white.

Although they have practised martial arts, they are not very powerful. They can hurt Huangfu Qing, and they do use the same means as they said. Otherwise, their means are not enough for Huangfu Qing to see.

Jomo shangnu extremely anti smile: "good, very good, really good."

Jomo Shang went to the two people who just talked: "who moved the hand first?"


Jomo Shang nodded to show that he knew: "good I know."

After they left, the man patted his chest with lingering fear: "young master Shang is so scary."

"Of course, Mr. Shang's friend came to attend Mr. Feng's wedding. Now he has been hurt. Can he be happy?"

They also know some of these people, especially during this period of time, they often see people entering and leaving the general's residence, and then think about the day when master Feng married, they all know.

Jomo Shang went to the culprit and kicked him directly. The man didn't even resist, so he was kicked out by a child younger than him.

Looking at the person who was kicked out, Qiao Moshan sneered: "call out the people. There should be a person with great martial arts among you, right? Otherwise, how can you deal with Huangfu Qing with your three legged Kung Fu? "

Several people looked at each other, silent did not speak, see them like this, Qiao Mo Shang smiled: "don't say? Then I'll see when you're going to be able to speak up and not say anything about people. I'll count all that he's done on you. "

Jomo Shang's eyes closed a little, and when he opened them again, they were all cold: "Doudou is OK, such a person is not worth your hands, we are fighting to solve the problem." Jomo said coldly.

Doudouen, put the piano aside, went to Jomo Shang's side: "brother?"