Qiao Tianchang picked up his eyebrows and looked at Qiao moshang: "do you really want to go?"

"Yes." The children on the edge nodded incessantly.

For hunting, she just often heard from her father, but never met him. This time, she wanted to see him.

Qiao Tianchang looked at them and said, "if you want to go, what are you waiting for here?"

"Let's go and get ready." Jomo Shang said excitedly.

The children on the edge didn't react at first, but soon understood what Joe Tianchang meant, and went to prepare.

They looked at Qiao moshang and looked at Xiao Zixun: "shall we go?"


Although some people didn't go, there were many people in the end, which made ningmengyao speechless.

"Maple, you can do whatever you want with tea and tea. Don't care about them crazy people." Ning Mengyao looked at Qiao mofeng beside them and said.

"I know, ma'am."

Feng Xiao smiled at some sleepy tea and said, "if you are sleepy, go to have a rest."

"Yes." Tea tea is embarrassed to touch her nose, is her performance so obvious?

Joe mofeng didn't have any embarrassment. After greeting the elder, he went back to sleep with tea and tea.

After they left, Yufeng looked at the front: "xiaoyao'er, let's check Xiao Qifeng's whereabouts. We have already sent people to the snow, but it may take some time to get the news."

I'm afraid that snow area is the only place where they don't have any influence. It's not a common difficulty to find and get information.

Ningmengyao naturally knows this truth, she lightly nods: "of course, I know this, send more people to the past, hoping nothing will happen."

"Don't worry. Although nishang looks simple, it's not a simple role, let alone a Xiao Qifeng beside it." Xiao Qifeng is a good man who has been emperor for a long time. His experience is not comparable to that of ordinary people. Even if they encounter any danger, they will certainly be able to get rid of it.

Ning Mengyao nodded: "I hope so."

Although it's said in this way, I'm just worried that there will be more or less.

"Well, today is still a good day, so don't think about these things."

Ning Mengyao looked at Yu Feng and smiled, "OK."

A few people were chatting at home. Joe Tianchang took some small ones to the place where he used to go hunting when he was young.

"Dad, you know this place very well." Doudou said in surprise.

"I have been in the border city since I was 12 years old, and I often hunt in the mountains and forests. For seven or eight years, do you think I am not familiar with it?" Qiao Tianchang looked at the little guy beside him and said with a smile.

"Did dad work hard before?"

Along the way, they kept asking Qiao Tianchang all kinds of questions about sugar and sugar, which made Qiao Tianchang feel helpless, but did not disturb their interest. They chose many interesting things to tell them.

While they were talking, Jomo Shang suddenly drew his bow and arched, then nailed a white rabbit to the ground.

"Great brother." Sugar and beans excitedly said.

The two of them came to fight for soy sauce. When they saw that Qiao moshang had just entered the mountain, they got a white rabbit. They immediately cried excitedly.

Qiao Tianchang smiled and shook his head: "well, you can play by yourself. Be careful. Although there won't be wolves and tigers in the mountain, there are many wild boars."

"I know dad."

A few children took bows and arrows to disperse, and Qiao Tianchang took sugar and sugar to pick some wild fruits and eat them as he walked.

"You should be careful, Yusheng." Qiao Mo Shang looked at Yu Sheng and said angrily.

What kind of stupidity do you want to die at this time?

After they left Qiao Tianchang's side, they were separated. Unexpectedly, they met an adult wild boar. It seems that, at least two or three hundred jin, the fangs are not easy to provoke.

Yu Sheng got up from the ground and rubbed some of the hurt shoulders: "I know, damn beast, see how I clean it." Said Yu Sheng.

He has never suffered such a loss before. It's not good if he doesn't get revenge.

Qiao Mo Shang's eyes flickered slightly, looking at Yu Sheng: "how about you?"

"No problem."

Qiao moshang jumps to the branch on the edge, looks down at the bottom, Yu Sheng fights with the boar.

Yusheng's ability is very good, but his actual combat experience is very little. The only time in tongbaozhai is not enough.