Looking at Feng Xiao's obviously relieved look, Qiao Mo Feng suddenly kneels on the ground, Feng Xiao sees him like this, immediately worried: "you get up quickly, what are you doing?"

Qiao Mo Feng looked at him and said with a wry smile, "I'm sorry, Dad. I was wrong before, and I worried you."

Feng Xiao sees Qiao Mo Feng so in mind to understand, he this is to want to understand.

"Well, get up quickly. Dad heard Shanger and they were worried about that before. I'm afraid you can't come out. Now I'm relieved to see you like this." Feng Xiao said with a smile.

Although he is very angry, but this is his own son, where can he go?

Qiao mofeng is pulled by fengxiao from the ground: "Dad, I......"

"Well, let's not talk about this. Dad is angry. Yes, but you are my son. How long can I be angry?" Feng Xiao said helplessly.

As a parent, even if his children do too much, he can't say anything. After all, ordinary people can't bear his childhood experiences.

"I know. It's all my fault."

"You ah, don't think about it. You're married now. You're an adult. Live your own life well and don't let us worry. That's enough." For the younger generation, their requirement is to live the life they want.

Now Qiao mofeng seems to be most interested in medical skills. He teaches courses with tea and tea every day and sits down to do what he wants to do, which is not bad.

"I know, when will they come back?" Asked Joe mofeng.

"They? Your uncle said that the return date is uncertain. Tianchang has arranged all the things here. Seeing Yufeng, they will not come back for half a year. " Feng Xiao said helplessly.

The husband and wife are willful. Everyone can't help them. Now people are gone again. They can believe that if they don't want to be found, they may not be able to turn this place over.

"So, Dad, is my mother OK?"

"I was in a bad mood yesterday, but one day Chang will be fine with her." Ningmengyao is a very strong person, but in the face of children, her heart is very soft, people can not touch it.

Of course, it's a metaphor. Ning Mengyao is only in the children's business, very soft hearted.

Qiao Mo Feng frowns: "I know."

Feng Xiao looked at his son funny: "well, don't worry, Mengyao won't really be angry with you."

How long can you be angry even if you are angry? In Ning Mengyao's heart, Qiao mofeng is the same as Shanger's. they treat him as their own son. How can a father and mother really be angry with their children?

This is what Mengyao said.

Qiao Mo Feng reached out to touch his nose, embarrassed smile: "Dad I know."

"That's good."

Feng Xiao looks at his son who has almost changed back. He nods with satisfaction. Should this matter be solved?

After training in tongbaozhai, Qiao moshang looked at the stars in the sky and didn't speak. After a long time, he smiled happily.

"What are you laughing at, brother Shang?" Xiao Mu asked curiously.

Sugar also rolled to his brother's side, looking at him curiously: "what happened to brother?"

"It's OK. It's just that some things have been solved. I'm very happy. Let's go back to sleep. I have to train tomorrow." Jomo Shang helped people up and said with a smile.


At the same time, ningmengyao was taken by Qiao Tianchang to a county not far from the border city. That place is also very beautiful. There, ningmengyao's mood was relaxed, and Qiao Tianchang was greatly relieved.

"Let's go."


They wandered in the city, and their leisurely appearance made the people who noticed them envied them.

"Tianchang, what do you say about feng'er?" Ning Mengyao and Qiao Tianchang are resting in a teahouse. Ning Mengyao cannot help but say.

Qiao Tianchang's face was dark. "Didn't you say you didn't want to talk about it?"

"But I'm worried."

"Well, he sent you a letter and apologized."