Qiao Tianchang frowned slightly: "in this case, then you didn't find him later?"

"Yes, but at that time, because tongbaozhai's vitality was greatly damaged, we had a lot of things to do. In addition, our own intelligence system was not very perfect, so we let people escape. After we stabilized everything, we forgot that again." Ningmengyao helplessly spread out his hands and said casually.

Qiao Tianchang heard that it was the same thing. No wonder they didn't solve the problem directly.

Listen to Ning Mengyao talking about what happened. Uncle Kang's face has obvious embarrassment and regret. It was his fault at the beginning, and he has not regretted it for years. But thinking of the personality of several people in charge, he can only make mistakes again and again, and hide himself. He will never change his head and face, but he is absolutely incognito.

He is a butler in Qinglin school. He knows a lot of things, but Now he regrets that he shouldn't have come to this place.

However, there is no regret medicine to sell in the world, and no matter how much he regrets, it will not have much effect.

"So it is, but what is it called?" Joe Tianchang looked at the people kneeling on the ground funny. They didn't find anyone, but they sent them to the door.

Ningmengyao smiled sarcastically: "Tianchang you are right, this is tianwanghuihui's negligence. How about escaping? It's not in my hands at last."

The people of Qinglin school are all stupid, especially those who go to challenge Ning Mengyao and them.

If by this time they don't understand what's going on, they really have no brains.

When it comes to tongbaozhai, it's called miss by Uncle Kang. Apart from tongbaozhai, they really don't know who else.

The old man who said that Ning Mengyao had changed his face: "are you Ning Mengyao?"

Ning Mengyao looks at the person in front of her with a smile on her face, then nods: "how can I not look like that? Yes? Is my tongbaozhai money particularly easy to use Ning Mengyao looks at the old thing in front of her, sarcastically speaking.

The old man's face changed again and again. It took him a long time to respond: "what do you want?"

"How is it? It's natural to treat people in their own way. " Ning Mengyao looked at them and said coldly.

"You can't do that." The old man's face changed.

Only they know what they did to tongbaozhai. Now if Ning Mengyao really wants to deal with them, please let the scales go.

"No? Of course, there is another way you can choose. " Ning Mengyao looked at them casually and said lightly.

The old man's eyes flickered a little: "you say."

"You have spent my tongbaozhai's money for nearly 20 years, with a profit of 10 million liang of gold, and you have returned what you took back from my tongbaozhai intact, and I will let it go. How about that?" Ning Mengyao leaned on the chair and said playfully.

People of Qinglin school were shocked by what ningmengyao said. What did she say? To return 10 million liang of gold to her, compared with the original 10 million liang of silver, that's really ten times the return.

The old man's face turned white, so much money, they must not be willing to take it out, but if not Look at Ning Mengyao. She will not give up.

"Here It's too much. " The old man said with perspiration on his forehead, "either ten million liang of gold, and some of the things back at the beginning, or I will go to Qinglin to send them to you for your choice." Ning Mengyao said coldly.

"Why are you? Who do you think you are? " The man who was beaten just now was furious when he heard that Ning Mengyao said such a thing. Why is this woman so arrogant?

Ningmengyao put her chin on one hand, put it on the armrest, and looked at the person opposite: "do you think the same as this woman?"

"That's right. How can you not be afraid to support you when you are someone and return 10 million liang of gold?" With that woman's opening, the people beside are totally angry. So much money is really going to be given to this woman. What do they do? For them, all these things are theirs. Why should I give them to this woman.