Ning Mengyao raised her eyebrows and looked at Qiao Tianchang. Her eyes were full of Innocence: "am I like that kind of frightening?"

"Why not?"

The face of the person who was frightened by Ning Mengyao was very ugly. Just now, Ning Mengyao thought in her eyes that if she really wanted to be killed, it was really terrible.

Her body is a little cold. If not, she can't just wait for her death. She offended these two people yesterday. They won't let go of themselves.

The look in the eyes became very fierce. Since that's the case, can't they start first?

That night, Qiao Tianchang and Ning Mengyao opened their eyes at the same time: "their courage is really great. At this time, they dare to fight me." Ning Mengyao said sarcastically.

"Maybe they don't know?"

"Who do you live by that woman in the daytime?" Ning Mengyao asked unexpectedly.

Qiao Tianchang nodded: "most of them are not fools, especially uncle Kang. He knows what kind of people you are and knows our affairs better. He won't do such stupid things at this time, because they can't afford the cost of doing so."

All the thoughts of Ning Mengyao seem to be the same.

There are only a few killers. Their martial arts are pretty good. Ning Mengyao doesn't move. Qiao Tianchang kills these people by himself. Ning Mengyao shakes her head in disappointment: "I thought what kind of person was sent. I didn't expect it was this Half a drop. "

"I'll have it cleaned up. Go to bed."

"Go back to that woman's room."


The next morning, when I got up, I thought I would get good news, but I saw that her room was full of dead people.


When they heard the voice, uncle Kang rushed in and saw the people in the room. Their faces changed: "what have you done?"

"I What am I They didn't do it. "

"Even if you are still lying, do you want to kill everyone before you are happy?" Said uncle Kang angrily.

The scolded person was also a little annoyed and said angrily, "who do you think you are? You are just a dog of our children's family. I don't want to ask you what Tongrui is going to do. "

Her father is the leader of Qinglin sect, and she is the eldest miss of Qinglin sect. What would she like to take? When is it their turn to intervene? Even with such a tone to talk to her, part-time is not so-called.

Fortunately, the people on the edge don't know what his heart is thinking, or they will die of anger.

"Tongrui, do you know that you have made a big mistake?"

"What happened to me? It's all the fault of that bitch. I'll lose face in front of so many people. I want her life. " Tong Rui snorted angrily.

People on the edge heard her saying this, and her face was very ugly. Does this girl know what it means to be someone else?

Tongbaozhai is the royal family who can't easily provoke. Does she really think how powerful they are?

"Tell her what to do so much? Go back. If the Qinglin sect can't be saved, it's all her own. It has nothing to do with us. " If Tongrui doesn't do such a thing, they can go around and don't even think about it now.

Ningmengyao is very kind, yes, but she is not kind enough to let others kill her.

On the contrary, she is the one who will report.

His eyes slightly drooped, and uncle Kang sighed. No matter what, he could only do his best to protect the Qinglin sect.

The old man nodded decadent: "let's go."

Tang Rui looks at them to leave, the expression on the face is very not good-looking, what do they mean?

When the people of Qinglin school left, Ning Mengyao knew it.

"Tianchang, what do you think the people of Qinglin sect will do?" Asked Ning Mengyao curiously.

"Don't we know if we go to see it?" How to do this is not what he cares about. What he cares about is whether these people can make Yaoyao feel better.

Ningmengyao thought about it, and then she turned her eyes around, which was full of bad laughter.

"What's the bad idea again?" Qiao Tianchang saw this look in her eyes. In fact, he seldom saw ningmengyao's figure as a schemer.

Ningmengyao's eyes dribbled: "shall we play all the way?"