"It's really bad luck for you to be liked by the white family." Ning Mengyao suddenly said that.


"The white people are so narrow-minded, haven't you found out? They want your life, isn't it interesting? " Ning Mengyao looks at the people beside him with a smile and asks.

Wen Yujing looked at Ning Mengyao and then at the white family who were some distance away from them: "how do you know, sister-in-law?"

"They said it."

"Did you hear what they said? No? " Wen Yujing looks at Ning Mengyao with an expression of complete disbelief. Can't he have good ear power? It's too much of an exaggeration.

"What can't be? When internal power reaches a certain level, the senses will be much better. Don't you know? " Ning Mengyao looked at him doubtfully and asked.

Wen Yujing touched his nose and smiled sheepishly: "my martial arts are not as good as my elder brother and second brother, and my best lightness skill, and so are the others."

Ning Mengyao nodded clearly: "no wonder."

When they were talking, Qiao Tianchang and Wen Yujing's bodyguards had come back with two processed game in their hands.

Ning Mengyao looked at the three rabbits and a pheasant in the hands of the two men and jokingly said, "we won't be hungry tonight."

"Sister in law, what you said is false." They won't be hungry even without game, OK?

Ning Mengyao's warning: "do you want to eat?"


"Then shut up." Ning Mengyao said proudly.

Ningmengyao asked Qiao Tianchang to cut two finger thick sticks on the edge, and put them on the fire to bake.

After half an hour, the wild game slowly exudes its fragrance. At this time, ningmengyao takes a dagger and cuts several holes on it, sprinkles some powder on it, and then begins to turn over and bake.

Wen Yujing looked at the roast chicken and hare on the fire: "can I have my sister-in-law? How fragrant? It must be delicious. I really want to eat it. "

"Wait slowly, there will be a while." Ning Mengyao said without raising her head.

Half an hour later, the pheasant and hare were more fragrant, and the surface was roasted to golden yellow, which made people feel delicious at first sight.

"Sister in law I'm hungry. "

Ningmengyao reluctantly shook his head, looked at it, saw that it had been roasted, cut a hare leg for him, gave another to Qiao Tianchang, and then gave one to Wen Yujing's bodyguard.

"Thank you, madam."


"What do you eat, sister-in-law?" They all have it. What does she eat?

Ning Mengyao pointed to the roast chicken on the fire: "isn't there any more?"

Ningmengyao ate two drumsticks and a few wild fruits picked by Qiao Tianchang, but the rest were divided up by three men. Of course, the two masters and servants who ate the most were wenyujing.

Wen Yujing chewed the hare meat in his hand: "sister in law, the meat you roast is delicious. How do you make it? It's better than what my big brother made. "

"It's baked like this." Didn't he see it all? Also asked.

Wen Yujing wiped his hands with the handkerchief handed over by the bodyguard, and some of the food he ate was propped up: "the stomach is so propped up."

"Hurry to eliminate food, so as not to be able to sleep later." Ning Mengyao cried and laughed.

He's really concerned about food. He forgot all these things.

Embarrassedly, he reached out and touched his nose. Hearing that, Yujing stood up and walked around. When his stomach was not so heavy, he went back to his previous place and sat down.

Ningmengyao usually sleeps early. Now she eats and has nothing to entertain. Qiao Tianchang sees that she holds people in her arms and covers ningmengyao with a cloak: "go to sleep."


Looking at them like that, I don't need to ask Wen Yujing to know that their feelings must be very, very good. Such feelings are really enviable.

"Brother Joe, you have a good relationship with your sister-in-law." Wen Yujing said with a smile.

Joe Tianchang graciously said: "everyone has everyone's fate, I just happened to meet my fate, you will also meet your own fate." As for good relief, I don't know.