Wen Yujing really felt that it was really worth coming out this time and he understood a lot of things.

From the foot of the mountain to the middle of the mountain, the journey is not very far for them, and they can bear it, but white lotus seems to be a little unbearable.

However, it can also be understood that the altitude of this place is gradually higher, and there will be a plateau reaction soon. Now the appearance of white lotus is such a reaction.

Ning Mengyao looks at Wen Yujing on the edge: "are you ok?"

Wen Yujing frowned: "it's a bit hard."

"This is a high altitude reaction. It will be more comfortable after eating this." Ningmengyao takes out a pill and hands it to wenyujing. They are looking for Qingshuang to prepare it.

Wen Yujing threw it into his mouth without looking at it. The trust made ningmengyao and his wife very satisfied.

After taking the pill, after a while, hearing Yu Jing's surprise, he said, "it really works."

"Do you still need to say that? All right, let's go. "

Qiao Tianchang looked at the weather. It was getting dark. If he went on, they might go back to the snow mountain after dark. It would be no good then.

"Let's have a rest and go tomorrow. It's very dangerous in the snow at night." They are here to play, not to take risks.

"I'll find something to eat." Said Wen Yujing's bodyguard.

Three people found a place with a relatively leeward wind to sit down, Qiao Tianchang looked at Ning Mengyao, reached out and touched her cheek: "is it cold or not?"

Ning Mengyao shook her head: "I'm not cold, don't worry."

"That's good." Qiao Tianchang nodded to show that he knew.

Wen Yujing looked at them and sighed: "brother Qiao, I find it's good and bad to follow you."

"What?" Ning Mengyao asked with great interest.

"The good is that it's safe, and the good is delicious, and the bad is that it will be abused by you completely." Wen Yujing said gloomily.

The husband and wife look at each other, their eyes are full of laughter: "you are not alone in saying that to us."

Wen Yujing was very surprised to look at the two people, and asked curiously, "so there are people who also said such things?"

Ning Mengyao nodded: "many people say that."

The three men were talking. Bai's family also found a place to sit down. Bai He watched Wen Yujing, and his eyes flashed clear irritation.

When she met Wen Yujing before, she thought that Wen Yujing was just a man who couldn't stand on the stage, but now he found out that he had made a mistake.

Think about what Yujing looks like now, and look at her embarrassed appearance. Bai He thinks that if she wants to continue like this, she will be crazy.

Wen Yujing's bodyguards moved quickly. They came back with three game in a short time, and they were all cleaned up.

"I'll come today and you have a rest." Qiao Tianchang looked at Ning Mengyao and said.

Of course, Ning Mengyao would not refuse Qiao Tianchang's kindness. She nodded incessantly and smiled happily.

"To stimulate us to be single, I want to get married when I see you like this." Wen Yujing depressed looking at the two people that intimate appearance said.

Ning Mengyao laughs: "I allow you to envy, but you can get married or something."

Wen Yujing has a bad look at Ning Mengyao. Why does he think that his sister-in-law sometimes is very Well, what's that called? Oh, by the way, I need to be beaten.

"Want to hit me? Wen Yujing, you are not my opponent. " Ning Mengyao said very disdainfully.

I don't want to live if I still want to beat her with my kung fu?

Wen Yujing looks at Ning Mengyao innocently. He doesn't say anything. How did he guess?

Disgusted looked Wen Yujing one eye: "on the face all writes, still uses the guess?"

Qiao Tianchang at the same time barbecue, while looking at Ning Mengyao, helplessly said: "Yao Yao do not bully others."

"Yes, sister-in-law, did you hear that? Brother Qiao asked you not to bully me. " Wen Yujing said in a hurry.

"Ha ha."

"What's the point of bullying such an idiot?" Qiao Tianchang continued.

“……” Wen Yujing looked at the people in front of him and suddenly felt that he was moved too early.