Wen's brother frowned and looked out: "snow mountain is so dangerous. How did people survive here?" They can't imagine how these people survived here.

Ningmengyao glanced at them and said, "every place has its own way of life, whether it's in the desert, in the snow, or in us." Ning Mengyao said with a smile.

Wen Yujing looked at Ning Mengyao and then at the snow outside: "this place is really disliked. It's so cold."

Funny shook his head, Ning Mengyao looked at Wen Yujing with a very helpless eyes: "little three, you must not be serious when you learn martial arts."

"Sister, how do you know? I don't like it. I can only go after my martial arts. I don't want to be an expert. " Smell Yujing hehe's laughing, that silly appearance, let ningmengyao can't help laughing.

Ningmengyao shook her head helplessly: "I will teach you to practice martial arts later. The consequences of laziness are very serious." Ning Mengyao looked at him and said seriously.

“……” Wen Yujing sighed heavily and said that he was very depressed: "OK."

Wen Yumin and his wife looked at each other helplessly: "you are really the third child. If you let my parents know that someone can finally manage you, they will be very happy."

Wen Yujing didn't care a bit about their teasing: "yes, they should be happy indeed."

Several people took a look outside. They were worried, but not afraid.

Sitting in front of the fire, hearing Yu Jing's worry, he said: "there is not much firewood here, elder sister. Go on like this..."

Joe Tianchang looked around and found that it wasn't much. He also had some worries at the bottom of his eyes: "we'll find it by ourselves then."

However, Ning Mengyao shook his head: "the firewood in this place should be more than that. At first sight, this place is inhabited by people for a long time. As for why no one is here, we don't know. We look around, maybe we can find it."


Several people began to look around. At last, Ning Mengyao found some strange places in the most corner. Then she took a palm and the snow shelter in that place was smashed. Instead, it was a bigger space.

The place is very cold, there are some dry firewood in it.

"It really does." Wen Yujing hurriedly walked by, hurriedly went, and an object turned straight towards him, and then the whole body of Wen Yujing was stiff, that was a corpse, this It's too scary.

Wen Yujing looked at everything in front of him without tears, and said, "help me, sister."

Ningmengyao reluctantly shook her head and pulled the man over, then the body fell to the ground.

"Tianchang, do you think this body will be the owner of this ice cave?" Ningmengyao asked curiously.

"Maybe the man should have been poisoned, and his limbs should have been destroyed." Qiao Tianchang checks casually, frowns and says.

Ning Mengyao looked at the body thoughtfully, frowning slightly: "bury this man, no matter what, we have occupied the territory of others."

Qiao Tianchang nodded and buried the man not far from the ice cave.

Wen Yujing wants to cry and look at Ning Mengyao and them without tears: "elder sister, we really want to live in this place?" He's all gooseflesh now.

Ning Mengyao nodded: "what's the matter? Are you afraid? "

"I'm not afraid, I think it's weird."

Ningmengyao laughingly shook his head: "since I'm not afraid of that, don't say more. I'll live here and help me to move some firewood out."

Wen Yujing had no choice but to move things with his two brothers.

"Ah, what?" Wen Yujing suddenly stumbled over something and found a box at his feet.

"What's the matter?" Ning Mengyao frowned at Yu Jing and asked strangely.

Wen Yujing shook his head: "I don't know, elder sister, what do you think this is?" Pass the box to Ning Mengyao, and smell Yu Jing's curiosity.

Ning Mengyao took it and opened it. There was only one piece of cloth in it, and nothing else.