Ning Mengyao looked at the woman mockingly and smiled sarcastically: "not on purpose? Many people will say that they didn't mean to do something wrong. "

Wen Yumin smiled coldly: "I've abandoned you. Besides, is it OK if I don't mean it?"

"You can't do this to me." The woman looks at them with fear, some rustling and trembling, which is really pitiful.

Ningmengyao walked over with the sword in her hand, and the tip of the sword gently shook in front of the woman: "say, why did you deliberately lead the wolf to us?"

The woman's eyes flickered slightly: "I I don't know what you're talking about. "

"Don't know? Your martial arts are not low. If you want to play a weak girl, please grow your heart. A weak mushroom lady who can't do anything can run after dozens of wolves. Even if you don't have any dirt, do you think we are stupid? " Ning Mengyao looked at people mocking and said.

Wen Yujing blinked: "sister, she did it on purpose?"

“……” She said so clearly, why can Wen Yujing ask such a question?

"It's not easy for you to grow that big." Ning Mengyao sighed heavily and sympathized with his brother, father and mother.

"Ha ha, do you think so, sister-in-law?" Wen Yuxin beside laughed.

Ning Mengyao nodded with a twitch at the corner of her mouth. This child is so simple.

While they were talking, the woman lying on the ground suddenly moved, and still directly to Ning Mengyao.

However, before she met anyone, Ning Mengyao reached out and pinched her neck: "do I look weak and deceitful?"

Wen Yumin suddenly thought that this woman was stupid enough. I'm afraid that ningmengyao's martial arts are similar to Qiao Tianchang's, so he chose ningmengyao to do it. It's really stupid.

"Do you think that's all right?" The woman looked at Ning Mengyao and said.

Qiao Tianchang glanced around: "since it's all here, don't hide, save being frozen to death in the snow later, it won't be worthwhile at that time."

Seeing that there was no reaction around, Qiao Tianchang walked towards a place, the soft sword in his hand stabbed heavily into it.

When the snow was dyed red, Qiao Tianchang's appearance made Wen Yujing swallow his saliva. Suddenly, he felt that they were very lucky. It was really unlucky to be enemies with these two people.

The expression on the woman's face suddenly changed when she saw this scene. How could they know.

"Don't you want to come out? Then I'll find them one by one. " Qiao Tianchang said lightly.

Cold voice in the open snow is very harsh, Joe Tianchang mouth slightly hook up, toward another place.

When Qiao Tianchang was about to start, the people below suddenly flew out. There was the first one, the second one. At last, nearly 20 people stood in front of them.

"It's right to come out early." Qiao Tianchang looked at them and said lightly.

“……” Wen Yujing looks at Qiao Tianchang without words. Is that too striking?

Ning Mengyao looked at the woman and said, "well, when did the people of the Xiao family come to this point?"

Wen Yujing goes to Ning Mengyao's side: "elder sister, do you have hatred for these people?"

"How afraid?" Ningmengyao looks at Yujing and asks.

Wen Yujing shook his head: "why should we be afraid?"

"Ning Mengyao didn't expect you to come to this place. Since you are here, don't blame us for being rude." The woman said coldly.

Ning Mengyao shook her head regretfully: "you say how stupid you are, and you can say such a thing."


"What about me? Your neck is still in my hand now. As long as I exert myself, your life will be gone. " Ning Mengyao looked at the people in front of her with a smile.

The woman later realized that she was not qualified to say such words. Her expression changed again and again. Suddenly, she tried to escape from Ning Mengyao's hands.