She didn't say that wrong. Didn't the Xiao family look for these things just to deal with them?

In fact, there is no malice to them all the time. Before that, the people of the Xiao family always didn't want to let them go, so they have today's tense appearance.

"Yao Yao don't want to think so much, it's all their own fault that no one else." Qiao Tianchang said lightly.

If it's not because the Xiao family is always biting, then they can't do it, not even Qi Tian.

Ning Mengyao smiled: "do I think so many people? They have to be prepared for their own troubles. Tianchang I don't want the Xiao family here to leave the snow. "

I'm afraid that the people here are very powerful in the Xiao family. If they keep it, it will only be a disaster. So they should deal with them directly.

Joe Tianchang nodded softly: "I have no intention of letting them leave here."

Ning Mengyao couldn't help laughing. It seems that they all think the same.

"Sister, are those people annoying?"

"I don't hate it. It's just because the Tao is different. Don't you understand?" Ningmengyao looked at Yujing and asked with a smile.

"I see."

Ningmengyao did not continue to speak, but looked at the front frowning: "Tianchang you say they will now where?" Ning Mengyao asked, frowning.

"No matter where we are, we will always meet. What we have to do now is to hurry to that place." Qiao Tianchang looked at the front and said.

"Well, let's go."

With the guidance of Grandpa xuenishang, their speed is much faster. They are just like opening and hanging up with the Xiao family who are slowly exploring.

Wen Yujing and Ning Mengyao have learned a lot these days, and they are not as curious about what they have met five times before.

"This place has been visited and has just left for a short time." Qiao Tianchang suddenly said, and his eyes were on somewhere in the snow, which was so deep.

"Have the Xiao family arrived? We'll find it if it's not too bad. " Ningmengyao's mouth is slightly hooked up, and the expression on her face is so weird.

Qiao Tianchang nodded: "it's not easy to say whether it's Xiao's family. We'll know when we find someone."

"Let's go." Said Jo Tianchang.

Ningmengyao nodded and walked forward with the three brothers of Wenjia.

After walking a short distance, I really saw people.

"What's the name?" Ningmengyao couldn't help but smile. Isn't that what kind of treadmill shoes have no place to find?

"I've used the door myself." Wen Yujing said.

"Little three, you're right. We haven't found anyone yet, but they've sent them to the door. Isn't it very interesting?" Ning Mengyao couldn't help laughing.

"Let's go." Qiao Tianchang looked at each other as if he didn't see anyone, and said to the people beside him.

Wen Yujing was puzzled. Since he found someone, why didn't elder sister do it directly? But pretended not to see the same from the edge.

Wen Yuxin looked at the confused Wen Yujing on the side, and suddenly laughed: "we should go, junior."

"Second brother, do you know anything?" Wen Yujing asked in a low voice.

Wen Yuxin smiled mysteriously: "it's a secret. You will know it soon."

What Wen Yujing hates most is the appearance of Wen Yuxin. Let's just say, as for the mysterious appearance? It's so annoying.

Ningmengyao had not gone out for a few steps before they were stopped by people who were the people they met.

"Who are you? What are you doing here? "

Ningmengyao squints at the person in front of her, her eyes gradually become cold: "are you asking me?"