Qiao Tianchang looked at Ning Mengyao and said, "let's wait until you see it. If it's not touched, how about I knock it out?"

I heard that the three brothers fainted together. Is there anyone who dotes on his daughter-in-law like this?

"Brother in law, is it really good for you to spoil your sister like this? I'm not afraid to spoil people. " Wen Yujing asked speechless, why does brother-in-law let sister do everything?

Qiao Tianchang looked at Wen Yujing and said contemptuously, "you don't know. Everyone who gives your sister to the pet can't stand her. It's so good that she can't leave me."

Wen Yujing feels as if he is going to be choked by saliva. The two brothers of Wen family beside him are also messy in the wind. What's more? But think about it carefully. It seems that it's the same thing.

Ning Mengyao could not help laughing when she heard Qiao Tianchang's words: "Tianchang is right."

"When we didn't say anything." The three brothers raised their hands and said gloomily.

"Well, don't play games. Let's go." Qiao Tianchang said, holding Ning Mengyao's hand.

As for the people of the Xiao family, Qiao Tianchang didn't look at them from the beginning. That's just that he didn't pay attention to people at all.

"Oh, yes."

Five people left together. Xiao Ling watched them leave. The expression on her face changed again and again. These people even ignored him like this.

"Are you ok?"

"Not dead yet." Xiao Ling didn't get angry.

Do you know to care for her now? What did you do? Why didn't they come to say a word when they were fighting her just now? Now come here and pretend to be a good man?

When the people of the Xiao family heard Xiaoling's words, they frowned: "what do you mean, Xiaoling?"

"What do I mean? I just want to ask you what you mean. Even if you don't help me when I'm bullied by that woman, you can help them to scold me. " Xiao Ling looked at them coldly and said angrily.

"We can't see the couple at all. We're all going to die here. Am I going to take all the people in because of your fault?" The old man looked at Xiao Ling coldly and said angrily.

"That's right, uncle. Don't forget Xiao Ling's promise when she comes. If you can't do it, you'd better leave this place as soon as possible. It will cause us trouble when you save." A young man on the edge frowned discontentedly.

Originally, Xiao Ling wanted to follow them. They didn't agree. They didn't know what Xiao Ling had said to the owner. The owner agreed to let her follow her, but follow her. Along the way, this man would find trouble for them. If the lady didn't save the wolf cub, he believed that they were going to get out of the snow wolves alive, it would be wishful thinking at all, but this A woman doesn't think she did it wrong at all. Instead, she blames them for everything.

Xiao Ling glared at the speaker angrily: "don't think that the owner of the family let you lead the team, you will start to be arrogant."

"It goes without saying that everyone knows who is arrogant. It's just Xiao Ling. If you dare to make trouble for us, we won't care about you." The man looked at Xiao Ling and said coldly.

"Yes." The people on the side agreed one after another, which made Xiao Ling's face white with anger. These people are too much.

At the same time, Xiao Ling was angry with her family. She hated Ning Mengyao to kill people. If it wasn't for that woman, would she be like this now?

Ning Mengyao doesn't know that Xiao Ling has completely hated her, but even if she does, she probably won't care, right?

"Brother Joe, where are we going now?" There is a vast expanse of whiteness everywhere. They are almost blind. They feel like they are everywhere. They don't know where to go.

Ningmengyao is also dazzled: "Tianchang I don't know where to go, I'll give it to you." Ning Mengyao patted Qiao Tianchang on the shoulder and said seriously.