He believed that Yao Yao would be OK. Yao Yao is so powerful, and she would dare to do so to ensure that she can live. So although he was worried, he would not be worried, as long as they find people as soon as possible.

Wen Yujing nodded and lowered his eyes. Under the eyes of Qiao Tianchang and Wen Yumin, who had just come to the side, he nodded at several big holes with his hands.

It's too late for them to stop it. Yujing's eyes are slightly closed and his breath changes at this moment.

"Junior, what are you Wen Yumin looked at Wen Yujing in astonishment. He was still that man, but his momentum seemed to have changed completely.

Wen Yujing took a look at Wen Yumin and they took a brocade bag from their neck and put a pill in their mouth.

Then the three of them saw a shocking scene. They heard that Yu Jing's black hair was fading. It gradually changed from black to gray, then to gray, and finally to silver.

When Yu Jing opened his eyes, those brown eyes turned bloody red.

"What's the matter with you, junior?" When Wen Yumin was shocked, he was replaced by anger.

How could junior three be like this? They don't know anything.

"Don't you think I'm a monster like that?" Wen Yujing reached out and touched his blood red eyes and asked for help.

"What are you talking about? What's going on? " Wen Yumin asked angrily.

Wen Yujing smiled, and the expression on his face was very casual: "now is not the time to say this, first find someone."

Qiao Tianchang squinted at Yujing for a long time, and always thought that this man seemed to have met somewhere, but for a while, he couldn't remember.

Four people stand on the snow mountain which has calmed down: "now how can we find it? My sister must have been washed away. "

Not only was it washed away, I'm afraid it was buried by the snow.

Qiao Tianchang frowned slightly, which is a very serious problem. We really need to think about how to find someone.

The last four, look in the middle from four directions.

Xiao Ling and other Xiao's family saw that they were obviously looking for someone. The woman was missing from them. Thinking about the avalanche before, they laughed happily.

"They met with an avalanche, and the woman must have been covered by the snow. She deserves it." Xiao Ling said happily.

Seeing Xiaoling like this, the Xiao family beside her frowned: "you can't help but say a few words."

They are not sure what those people will do if they hear her.

The people of Xiao's family are trying to take Xiao Ling away from this place. Then they see a man with silver hair and red eyes. He comes to them quickly.

"What did you just say? You tell me again. " Hearing that Yu Jing looked at Xiao Ling coldly, her voice didn't have any mood fluctuation.

Xiao Ling swallows her saliva, and subconsciously steps back. Hearing Yu Jing's appearance, her heart is cold: "you What do you want to do? "

"What do I want to do? In fact, I don't want to do anything, just look at you very unpleasant. Just now you said that my sister deserved it? " Hearing Yu Jing's voice is very light, it seems that there is demagogue in it.

"Isn't it? She deserves it. " Xiao Ling has no idea what she's talking about.

Wen Yujing nodded, his face was calm, but it was such a calm expression, which frightened these people of the Xiao family.

"My sister let you go last time, but that doesn't mean I will let you go this time." Wen Yujing murmurs softly. Before the family of Xiao reacts, Wen Yujing slaps the mountain wall not far away. The powerful internal force will not only shake the mountain wall, but also shake the snow on it.

At the same time, Wen Yujing threw the woman in his hand, without looking at it, and Xiao Lingzhi's scream was covered by the snow.

"You You can't do such a thing, though what she said is not pleasant to hear? "

"There's a price to pay for being cheap."