"Well, that was a few years ago. Shifu thought his life would not be long because he was injured. He gave me all his skills. Then I got all his skills, and there was no way to use them. So the final result was that I was possessed by the devil. If it wasn't Shifu, I would have died long ago. It was only the price Shifu paid that he lost his life." Wen Yujing said with a wry smile.

If it's not for him, Shifu can live for a few years.

"So it is."

"Well, my sister was at that time. Although I survived, my appearance changed like this. When my master died, he found Yi Rong Dan for me. At the same time, he asked me to seal my internal power and let me live like this." Wen Yujing looked at the whisper in front of him.

Wen Yumin's brothers looked at Wen Yujing in astonishment. They never knew that there was a master in Wen Yujing, let alone that he almost died because he was possessed by the devil.

"I think we need to make clear what we have to say when we hear about Yujing." Wen Yumin said angrily.

How did their beloved brother become like this?

Wen Yujing looked at Wen Yumin: "what do you want to say? Do you want to ask me about my master, or do I become like this? "


"In fact, there's nothing to say. You hurt me very much. I know. Do you know why I didn't become a dandy? It's all taught by Shifu. Without Shifu, there would be no Wen Yujing now. They are good to me. I don't deny that. But elder brother, they didn't think about the harm they caused to me. Before meeting Shifu, I never knew how bad I was. Until one day, I heard what kind of person my servant said I was, I didn't know what they said, In other people's eyes, it's endless pain. " Wen Yujing looked ahead and said in a low voice.


"After I met the master, the master taught me a lot. But after the master died, I hid myself. At that time, I was wondering if I would live in such a strange way all my life. I just didn't expect that I would meet my sister and brother-in-law when I sneaked out this time. Nah, I don't want to go back. I want to follow my sister." Wen Yujing looked at Wen Yumin who could not speak and said with a smile.

Wen Yumin's face slightly changed. He looked at Wen Yujing and frowned and said seriously, "do you really decide?"

"Well, it's decided. When my sister took me out of the avalanche, and she threw me out, I decided. After I went back from the snow field, I heard Yu Jing's life was hers." People at home are good to him, but they are all doting on him, but her sister is different. She loves him, but also respects her, and will teach him a lot of survival skills, which is not available to his family.

In Wen's home, life is very peaceful, but he feels very tired. It's like a normal person sitting at home, eating and dying. He doesn't like it at all.

When he is at home, he just needs to do something as if he had done something heinous. When he is here, he cannot do anything that the eldest brother and the second brother can do. In that way, he feels that he is not a porcelain doll, that he is a terminally ill person.

"Junior, you don't have to." Ningmengyao's eyebrows slightly wrinkled up. They were heartless when they heard Yujing's appearance. But they didn't expect that this person's mind was so heavy.

Wen Yujing smiles to Ning Mengyao, and at the same time, he lingers on her shoulder: "sister, you don't understand. At home, I am like a precious golden bird. I can't do anything if I want to. I can only do what they want. As long as I do something they think is wrong, they will look at me with a very disapproving look, as if I'm doing the same thing that's damaging. "