"Is Yaoyao OK?" Qiao Tianchang looked at Ning Mengyao up and down, frowned and asked anxiously.

"I'm fine." Ningmengyao shakes her head. Even if she hears that Yujing doesn't push her away, she is confident that she can avoid. But he doesn't like the feeling of being attacked by others at all.

Ningmengyao looked at the people of the Xiao family coldly. Xiaoziyun saw that Yujing pushed ningmengyao away, causing ningmengyao to have nothing. In fact, he felt a little regretful. Now he saw ningmengyao's eyes, and his heart thumped. At this time, he was worried.

Ning Mengyao looked at him and said with a sneer, "now I'm afraid. Is it too late?"

"You..." Xiao Ziyun just opened his mouth, and felt a sharp pain in his cheek. When he reached out and touched it, he saw that his palms were bloodstained.

Ningmengyao is playing with the concealed weapon in her hand, and the corner of her mouth is slightly hooked: "sneaking attack doesn't have to be carried out by people, do you understand?"

As soon as the voice fell, Xiao Ziyun heard the screams from the people around him. The expression on his face changed: "what are you doing?"

"Aren't we playing with our lives now? What did you say we were doing? " Ning Mengyao said sarcastically.

Five people at the same time, plus there is a wolf king on the side, even if it can't really do what to them, but it will really bring them trouble.

Qiao Tianchang and Ning Mengyao deal with the puppets. As for the Xiao family, they all have three brothers who are responsible for wolf king.

When the people of the Xiao family were about to be destroyed by Ning Mengyao, a group of people stood in front of them.

"Stop it."

Ning Mengyao squints at these nosy people.

"I don't know when our affairs will be in the charge of others." Ning Mengyao said with deep eyes.

"You can't offend Xiao family if she has to be forgiven." Said the man, frowning.

Ning Mengyao, like hearing some jokes, played with her long hair: "you say we can't afford to offend the Xiao family? What do you think of Tianchang? "

"The Xiao family?"

"I've never seen such a person before." Wen Yu said with a smile.

Wen Yujing frowned and looked at the people in front of him. There was an obvious accident: "how could it be them?"

"Do you know who these people are, junior?" Asked Ning Mengyao in doubt.

Wen Yujing nodded: "a group of self righteous guys, how to say, in a word, that is to say, they are the most powerful in the world."

Ning Mengyao looked at Wen Yujing in amazement: "such a person?"

"Well, their power is OK, just a medium power, but there are some people with high martial arts in it, and all of them listen to the escort, so the following people are arrogant. As long as they meet something they think they want to manage, they must let the other party listen to them. If they don't listen to a lot of things, they will get revenge." Wen Yujing said ironically.

In fact, he only heard about these people from his master. Later, he knew something from those left by his master, so he didn't like these people at all.

"It turns out that I don't really like such nosy people." Ning Mengyao said with a smile.

"They actually offended a lot of people." Wen Yujing suddenly said.

"Is it? I take it for granted. " Ning Mengyao said with a smile.

Qiao Tianchang took a look at the two men and then looked at the person opposite: "how can they have anything to do with the Xiao family?"

"It doesn't matter. They just want to have a relationship with the Xiao family. You know, the Xiao family is also a relatively large family." Wen Yujing glanced at the applicants and said sarcastically.

Ning Kai, you need to be shocked, and then look at Wen Yujing unexpectedly: "that means, they are actually fawning on Xiao's family?"

"Sister, you can say that." Wen Yujing nodded seriously to show that what Ning Mengyao said was right.

When those people in front of the Xiao family heard Yu Jing's words, their expressions were really good-looking.