When he saw the puppets, he heard Yu Jing's mouth twitching constantly. He turned his head to look at Qiao Tianchang and the other two: "sister, brother-in-law, this is the puppet of the Xiao family."

"Well, what's the matter?"

"Well, there's a problem, and it's still a very big one." Wen Yujing said very seriously.

Ningmengyao dodged the puppet's attack and said, "now is not the time for you to think. What should you do? Do it quickly?"

Wen Yujing resisted, or did not: "elder sister, how can these people be so disgusting?"

“……” Ningmengyao's eyelids jump straight. Does this person know what is the priority? Why is his focus on this? Didn't he find out how powerful these things were?

"Elder sister, don't look at me like this, I don't want you to think otherwise." After hearing that Yu Jing was white, Ning Mengyao muttered discontentedly.

Ningmengyao is even more speechless. After a look at the more deformed puppets, ningmengyao has to admit that they are really ugly and disgusting.

"The weakness is the chest. You are careful yourself." Qiao Tianchang looked at the three brothers and said softly.

"Don't worry, brother Joe." Wen Yumin and his wife nodded and quickly joined the battle circle with the weapons they were good at.

"What's the rush? I don't know what you think. " Wen Yujing whispered.

Ning Mengyao couldn't help but give Wen Yujing a kick: "hurry up, don't say that there are some without them here.

He reached out and touched his nose. Hearing Yu Jing's dissatisfaction, he said, "elder sister, you are a lady. Don't be so unsophisticated."

Ningmengyao almost fell to the ground when he heard Yujing's words. What is this boy doing?

"I'll give you a slap. Do you believe it?" Ning Mengyao said with gnashing teeth.

"I'm gone." Wen Yujing and Gu said something else.

Seeing that Yujing was running so fast, Ning Mengyao couldn't help being funny. This guy is really helpless.

When I saw the two of them, I saw that although they were struggling, they were able to cope with each other's weaknesses.

Seeing that they are all OK, Ning Mengyao is relieved to start killing.

As long as it's near Ning Mengyao, just in the blink of an eye, she will be shocked to pieces by Ning Mengyao. Compared with her means, although it's a little gentle, it's not to be underestimated.

In the murderer's house, I suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis. Subconsciously, I turned around and saw a person who was more ugly and disgusting than those puppets standing behind him, and those empty eyes looked at him.

"What are you gawking at hearing Yu Jing?" When Ning Mengyao saw Yu Jing and saw that he didn't understand him, he immediately became angry. He dodged the attack from the people around him and came to Wen Yujing's side in a flash. He raised his foot and kicked him out. Then he followed him closely and stepped on the man's chest with one foot.

It's just a pity that the man's hands blocked Ning Mengyao's foot. Ning Mengyao's eyes were cold and his feet were forced. Even in such a noisy environment, they all heard the sound of bone fracture, especially how hard she was.

By Ning Mengyao step on the foot of the people, suddenly in the hands of the force, almost will Ning Mengyao to throw out.

"Is sister OK?"

"I'm fine. The third one is different from other puppets. Let's do it together." Ning Mengyao said coldly.

"Good." Wen Yujing nods, strikes back and forth with Ning Mengyao, and begins to attack him.

Ningmengyao is shocked and confused as he grows older. This person makes him feel familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

"What's wrong with you, sister?" Wen Yujing saw Ning Mengyao frowning and looking at the people in front of him, and asked in his spare time.

Ning Mengyao shook her head: "it's OK, but I think this person seems to be familiar with him, as if I've seen him somewhere."

It's just that this person is totally different now. It's really very difficult for him to come out.

"Elder sister, do we still do it?" Wen Yujing asked uncertainly.

"It's natural to start. We won't kill this man. We may die at last. Do you want to die in the hands of these people?" Ning Mengyao said with a raised eyebrow.

Wen Yujing shook his head decisively: "I'm very worried, and I'm very sorry for my life. Elder sister, don't scare me, OK?"