"When we are at war with you, these things are lethal, aren't they? Do you think I will be so stupid to help you get these things and then use them against Xiao Guo? " Xiaoguo is the place they want to protect. She has no interest in helping tyrants.

The head of the Xiao family knew that Ning Mengyao would not help, but when he heard ningmengyao's direct refusal, his heart suddenly became uncomfortable.

"Mrs. Joe said something wrong."

"Oh? No, I don't know what's wrong? " Ning Mengyao looks at the people in front of her with a surprised eyebrow, and asks with a smile.

Wen Yujing said scornfully, "sister, what are you doing with these people? If they encounter such a thing, will they still hand knives to their enemies to kill themselves? Stupid is not stupid. "

The people of the Xiao family make it clear that they are fools.

Ningmengyao's eyes flashed a smile, and the corners of her mouth slightly ticked up: "my brother can see things clearly. How low do you think my IQ is, Lord Xiao, before you believe what you said?"

The head of the Xiao family squinted at Ning Mengyao: "so do you agree to help?"


"Then don't blame me for being rude." Said the head of the Xiao family in a cold voice.

Ning Mengyao couldn't help but smile and said with a smile: "I eat everything, just don't eat the way you threaten people."

Threatening her? When she's scared?

When the three brothers of Wen Yujing said such words to the Xiao family leader, they had already come to the side of the ningmengyao couple. Even the snow wolf king lying on the side stood up, walked to the side of ningmengyao, and looked at him with a pair of dark green wolf eyes.

Other people don't think it's OK to look at the leader of the Xiao family, but if they are looked at by animals, it's hard to feel, especially if they are still wolf king.

"What are you doing, Mrs. Joe?"

"Well? What are we doing? We didn't do anything, didn't you do it? I'm not here to cooperate with you? Why not? " Ning Mengyao looked at the Xiao's master in surprise and said.

"Of course not. We don't mean that."

"No nature is the best, junior to continue to find baby." Ning Mengyao said the word "baby" very heavily.

Wen Yujing's eyes flickered slightly, and then he smiled. He understood Ning Mengyao's meaning.

"Big brother and second brother, let's help elder sister find baby." Said Wen Yujing.

"OK, let's go."

This time, they were not looking for what they liked, but for what the Xiao family liked.

"What does Mrs. Joe mean?"

"Well? Of course, we are looking for something we like. Why can't we do that? "

"Those things are what we see." Said the head of the Xiao family.

Ningmengyao nodded: "Oh, what do you like, then take it out and take it. What are you doing there? It's not in your hands. It's everyone's stuff on the side. Why don't you think it's right? "

"Mrs. Joe, don't go too far."

"Compared with you, we can't beat you." Ning Mengyao said with a smile.

Wen Yujing seems to have found something again, and his expression is very excited: "elder sister, come here, there is treasure."

Ningmengyao is a little confused. What did he find? I'm so excited.

However, when Ning Mengyao came to see it, it was a dragon and Phoenix seal.

"What is this?" Ning Mengyao spent a lot of time opening the box, taking out the dragon and Phoenix seal from it, looking at the things in her hand, said doubtfully.

When the little guy group saw what Ning Mengyao was holding, the expression on his face changed. He looked like he saw something precious.

"Put down the dragon and Phoenix seal. It's ours." Just now, they didn't get so good when they came in, but they didn't expect to be found by an unknown child.

Ningmengyao glanced at the leader of the Xiao family and slightly hooked her mouth. When something came into her hand, she didn't want to let her return it. She didn't do such a stupid thing. Moreover, looking at the appearance of the leader of the Xiao family, he seemed to want to find this thing most.