"Eh? What does Yaoyao write on it? " Qiao Tianchang has some accidents. What's written on it? Let Ning Mengyao show such an expression and say such words.

Ningmengyao simply explained to the four Qiao Tianchang: "that's it, so even if we don't need it, we can't fall into their hands."

Qiao Tianchang frowned: "it's true. This time it's thanks to Xiao San. Help us find this." If the people of the Xiao family get it, the result may not be very good.

The head of the Xiao family stood aside with his chest covered. Looking at Ning Mengyao, they suddenly smiled strangely: "do you think you can get the dragon and Phoenix seal?"

"You mean the puppets your family brought? Do we want to see the facts? In the end, we win, and then take away the dragon and Phoenix, or do you win and we die in your hands? "

The head of the Xiao family originally had this meaning. Now when he heard ningmengyao saying this, he didn't hide it. He took a special whistle in his hand and hammered it up.

That voice is a little harsh, which makes Ning Mengyao worried.

Ning Mengyao's eyes flickered: "give me your piano, junior."

Wen Yujing hurriedly handed Ning Mengyao the piano he had just held.

Ning Mengyao holds the Qin in her arms, finds a place to sit down, places her fingers on the strings, and places her eyes on the only entrance.

After about a cup of tea time, Ning Mengyao heard some voices: "Tianchang, little three, you come to my side." At the same time, wave to wolf king and let him follow.

Qiao Tianchang frowned at Ning Mengyao's appearance, and his eyes were worried.

"Yao Yao?"

"Tianchang, I'm ok, but they're really good at bringing so many people here."

Qiao Tianchang and Wen Yujing stand behind Ning Mengyao. At the same time, Ning Mengyao suddenly makes a move. The movements in her hands are much faster, and the sound of the piano is extremely harsh.

With the sound outside constantly approaching, Ning Mengyao's movements in his hands are much faster. The Xiao family leader's eyes are slightly red under the enchantment of the piano sound, and gradually turn into blood red.

When the rest of the Xiao family came in with the puppets, the Xiao family leader directly attacked them.

One by one, the people of the Xiao family died in the hands of the leader of the Xiao family. His body was also seriously injured. He was also seriously injured when he went to the puppet.

Although the body of the leader of the Xiao family has begun to be stiff and broken, Ning Mengyao doesn't pay attention to it. In her mind, these are nothing, and there's no need to worry at all.

And it's fun to let them kill themselves, isn't it?

Wen Yujing watched the people of the Xiao family die in the hands of the leader of the Xiao family, and then the leader of the Xiao family is half dead in the hands of the puppet, and finally the puppet and the puppet fight.

It's killing people with a knife, and it's not so fast.

After swallowing his saliva, he felt that Qiao Tianchang was not the most terrible one, but the very gentle and kind-hearted Ning Mengyao.

Wen Yumin's brothers saw Ning Mengyao kill a large area of it immediately, and their eyelids trembled. Should they say that they are in charge of tongbaozhai?

When the people of the Xiao family died nearly half of the time, a strong internal force blocked her piano sound, and those affected puppets also slowly recovered.

"Who is it? How can you be so secretive and behave like a villain? " Joe Tianchang squinted.

"What a little girl! She even hurt so many people in Xiao's family. You are the first one."

Ning Mengyao looked at them with a smile and said quietly, "should I thank you for your praise?"

"It's not a good thing that the little boy is so arrogant."

"It's not a good thing for an old man to rely on his old age."

The old man's eyes were cold, and the eyes of Ning Mengyao were full of murderous spirit. When he started, Qiao Tianchang on the edge had taken his killing move.

"Your opponent is me."

Ningmengyao looks at her opponent and is robbed like this. Suddenly she feels oppressed. She also wants to start. Does she want to practice, too? How can Tianchang stand such a thing? It's too much.