Wen Yujing glanced at Xiao Ziyun sarcastically: "elder sister, how did he survive when you said so many wolves? There's not a thing like that. "

"You don't say I still forget it, Ning Mengyao stretched out her fingers to the late wolf king and said with a smile:" Xiao Ziyun, look what that is. "

Xiao Ziyun subconsciously turns around and sees a big white wolf king coming in from outside.

The appearance of wolf king changed Xiao Ziyun's face: "this How is this possible? "

He survived by the death of his family members, but he didn't expect the wolf king to appear in this place, and he also followed them.

Ning Mengyao said with a smile: "impossible? What's impossible? Lightning, would you like to contact him? "

Xiao Ziyun's face turned white and contacted with wolf king? Unless he's about to die, and he doesn't want to die so soon.

"You What do you want to do? This is not Xiaoguo. You'd better not come here in disorder. " Xiao Ziyun watched ningmengyao warily and said in a cold voice.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything about you. I just want lightning to get in touch with you. There's nothing else except this. You really don't have to worry about it." Ning Mengyao said with a smile: "after all, lightning's wife and children are all killed by you. You have to be responsible no matter what?"

"You..." For the first time, Xiao Ziyun thought that women were really terrible.

No wonder some people say that you can offend villains and women. Is that why?

Reaching out and patting the head of lightning, Ning Mengyao said with a slight smile, "I'll give you the lightning man. If you want to do anything, you can look at it half by yourself. I don't care."

When lightning saw Xiao Ziyun, his eyes were always on him: "ouch."

The howling of the wolf made the people of the white family back away. They were afraid that when the wolf king was not happy, he would directly talk to them.

Ning Mengyao looked at the white family who had been frightened to look like this, and couldn't help laughing: "this is the only courage of the white family."

The faces of the people of the Xiao family were not much better. Ning Mengyao saw them like that, and slightly hooked up the corners of her mouth. Hearing Yu Jing, she said happily, "actually, I think these people should be glad that there is some distance from here."

Otherwise, they would be totally unlucky if they were called by wolf king.

Ordinary snow wolves can be king of wolves, let alone king of snow wolves. They should be lucky.

"Xiaosan is right. These people should be glad that they are not on the edge of the mountain. Otherwise, they will die.

Xiao Ziyun's face was very ugly: "what do you want to do when you smell Yujing?"

"What do you say I want to do? What do you think I want to do to help Bai family deal with our family? " Wen Yujing looked at Xiao Ziyun mockingly. He always felt that this man was just talking nonsense. He had already shown so clearly. Could they not find out?

Xiao Ziyun's eyebrows wrinkled slightly. It was actually because of this.

"It's a misunderstanding."

Hearing Yu Jing, he laughed in a low voice: "misunderstanding? Good, I see. "

The Xiao family really deserves to be the Xiao family. At this time, these people can still say it's a misunderstanding. He is really impressed.

"Junior three doesn't have to say so much to him. Since it's all a misunderstanding, it's also a misunderstanding even if we sit here. What happened then has nothing to do with us." Ning Mengyao raised his lips and said coldly.

Wen Yujing nodded, "I'm right."

His father's sufferings will be recovered from the Xiao family one by one, not to mention Ning Mengyao and their help behind him. Even without him, these people must pay the price they should have.

When Xiao Ziyun was thinking about how to leave, he heard that Yu Jing suddenly made a move, and at the same time, lightning also jumped to Xiao Ziyun.

Wen Yujing deals with the rest of the Xiao family, while lightning deals with Xiao Ziyun. I don't know if Wen Yujing intentionally left Xiao Ziyun to lightning.