Ningmengyao nodded. She also felt that she should clean up and smell Yujing so that she didn't know what she was doing.

During the fight, Wen Yujing suddenly felt that his sample vest was chilly, which made him want to ignore it.

"Tianchang will give it to you when he returns." Said Ning Mengyao, squinting.

She is very good to Wen Yujing. Yes, but she is not good enough to let him do anything, especially to hurt her body.

Joe Tianchang squinted and nodded, "OK."

Fortunately, what happened just now did not happen again, which made Ning Mengyao feel a little better.

Wen Yujing's opponent finally lost in his hands.

"I'll ask you again why we should deal with Wenjia." Wen Yujing looked at the people on the ground and said coldly.

"Bah." People on the ground just don't want to say it.

Wen Yujing's mouth slightly raised a smile, and the smile on his face was very indifferent: "don't you want to say? It doesn't matter. " Wen Yujing directly put the poison given by Qingshuang into his mouth.

If he doesn't say one, he will find two. If he doesn't say two, he will find four. He doesn't believe that everyone is as hard as this man.

"What did you give me to eat?"

Wen Yujing laughed sarcastically and said, "what is it? Of course, it's poison, or do you think I'll give you the perfect tonic pill to help you heal your injuries? "

Ning Mengyao can't help laughing. The third child has the spirit to tease people. It seems that she is really OK. Well, she is relieved.

"Ah" what else did the Xiao family want to say? They screamed out. The expression on their face was so twisted and so ferocious.

"Don't you want to say anything?" Wen Yujing squints at the people rolling on the ground and has a cognition of the abnormal degree of Qingshuang.

How on earth did she get these poisons out? Can she say that she is worthy of her sister's side?

Qiao Tianchang frowned and looked at Wen Yujing, then said: "these people should not be clear, and there is no point in doing so."

"They don't even know about brother-in-law?" Wen Yujing asked with a frown.

Qiao Tian thought about it and nodded, "maybe Xiao Zitian knows."

It's like this kind of thing, which is generally known by the family center. These people don't seem to know these things at first glance.

Wen Yujing frowns. Is everything he does white work?

Although they knew that because of the loan, the Xiao family and the Wen family had a conflict. They even dealt with their father and the whole Wen family. What do they want to do?

"Don't think so much. You can go back and ask your father about what he might know when the business here is over." Qiao Tianchang said with a frown.

Wen Yujing thought about it and thought it was the same.


Wen Yujing turned to look at Xiao Ziyun, saw that he was chased by the wolf king. He couldn't help but laugh. He always thought that Xiao Ziyun, who is superior to others, had today. I have to say that the lightning was so good.

That look of schadenfreude makes ningmengyao couple have a kind of invisible meaning.

The lightning is just teasing Xiao Ziyun, and occasionally clawing him.

Even if Xiao Ziyun's martial arts are good, so what? In the end, it was scarred by lightning.

Xiao Ziyun looks at everything in front of him and knows that if he continues today, he will not die. He will only have half his life, which is not what he wants.

When he was distracted, lightning swooped down on the ground, opened his big wolf mouth and bit Xiao Ziyun.

Xiao Ziyun stopped the lightning with his hands in an instant. Although he kept his name, his arm was almost bitten off by the lightning.

"Ah..." The painful scream made ningmengyao's mouth slightly hook up. In fact, it's very good. Looking at these people like this, it's really good.

"Ning Mengyao, you'd better let this beast go of my young master." Suddenly an old voice sounded on the side.