She is a person of the state of Xiao. Yes, but what does the royal family of the state of Xiao have to do with their superior Xiao family? I really look up to myself.

"It's better not to say more about some things. Ning Mengyao should know that there are people outside the world, so don't be too arrogant." Butler Xiao looked at Ning Mengyao and said coldly.

However, Ning Mengyao looked at Butler Xiao with a smile like a smile: "it turns out that the people of the Xiao family also know what there is in the world, is there anyone outside? I have enemies with you, so don't run to me to talk, or I will break your neck. "

"I'll help you, sister." Wen Yujing said directly,

Ning Mengyao couldn't help laughing, reached out and patted him on the shoulder, jokingly said: "don't worry, if you want to fight, you must be indispensable."

Wen Yujing nodded and stopped talking. For the people of the Xiao family, he didn't like them at all.

Wen Yujing looked at the people in front of him, frowning slightly, and the expression on his face was so ugly.

Butler Xiao glanced at Wen Yujing and said, "it's no wonder that you look like this, young master Wen."

Wen Yujing frowned. From this man's words, he always felt something was wrong: "what do you mean?"

Butler Xiao didn't answer Wen Yujing's words, but looked at him and said, "it's perfect."

Wen Yujing still didn't understand it, but Ning Mengyao on the edge understood it. Their perfection, I'm afraid, was used for puppets, right? In other words, they want to make Wen Yujing a puppet.

But why? Turn around and look at Wen Yujing. He has no place to pass.

"Little three didn't expect you to be liked by the Xiao family." Ning Mengyao said thoughtfully.

Wen Yujing frowned and looked at Ning Mengyao. He asked doubtfully, "what do you mean by what you said?"

"It means they want to make you a puppet." Ning Mengyao looked at Wen Yujing and said earnestly.

Wen Yujing is stupid at once. Do you want to turn him into something that's invisible? He doesn't want it.

"Make me that ugly thing? They are beautiful. " Wen Yujing suddenly blew up. They are so powerful that they want to make themselves a puppet.

Ning Mengyao nodded: "you are right. Aren't they just beautiful?"

Butler Xiao's eyes narrowed slightly. Unexpectedly, Ning Mengyao guessed their mind so simply.

"If Mrs. Joe has something to say, you should not say it." Said Butler Xiao in a cold voice.

Ningmengyao chuckled and looked at the people in front of her with a smile: "when will it start? It's your turn to talk? Who gave you this courage? "

Qiao Tianchang goes to Ning Mengyao's side: "let's go."

Ningmengyao nodded, but she really didn't have the heart to talk to Butler Xiao about such things.

When they turned around, Butler Xiao bent his fingers to form claws and started directly on Ning Mengyao.

Qiao Tianchang found it when Butler Xiao started. He turned to Butler Xiao. Finally, Butler Xiao was beaten out for a long distance, but Qiao Tianchang stood still.

Chamberlain Xiao looked at Qiao Tianchang like this and couldn't help laughing: "it's really worthy of being the general of Zhenguo."

Qiao Tianchang takes a look at Butler Xiao and doesn't speak. He just hugs Ning Mengyao and turns away with Wen Yujing.

After they left, Butler Xiao was forced to spit blood, put his hands on his chest, and looked at Qiao Tianchang with astonishment and fanaticism. If If only.

Qiao Tianchang turns his head and sees that Xiao Guanjia looks at him with a very disliked look, which makes Qiao Tianxiang want to kill people directly.

When Butler Xiao's body was stiff, he was afraid of Qiao Tianchang's eyes.

Ningmengyao leans on Qiao Tianchang's body: "what are you looking at?"

"There's something wrong with the steward of the Xiao family."

"Well? Let's hear it. " Ningmengyao asked with some curiosity.

"He seems to be interested in me."

"What?" Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang in amazement. Did she hear right now?

"As you heard, he seems to want to make me into one A puppet. "