Joe mofeng shook his head decisively: "how can our family be poor?"

"So you can't say anything like that, can you hear me?" Said Ning Mengyao in a cold voice.

"Mom, I'm just kidding."

"That's not good either."

"Sister, do you say that the family will agree to my request?" Wen Yujing asked with a frown. If he didn't agree, would that be enough?

Ning Mengyao nodded thoughtfully: "maybe."


At first sight, master Bai is not a person who secretly gives up money for his children, so in the end, Bai He will surely be forced by her father to apologize.

Wen Yumin and Wen Yuxin look at each other, and they always feel like they are saying something: "what are you talking about, sister-in-law?"

"In fact, it's nothing. We are just thinking about whether Bai He will apologize." Ning Mengyao said casually.

"Apologize? Did junior three ask for it? " Wen Yumin asked subconsciously.

Ning Mengyao smiled and nodded: "you guessed right, but asked." And that's a bit too much.

"Let's listen to it." When Wen yuxindun came to have an interest, he seemed to know what else Wen Yujing had done.

"In fact, it's nothing. It's so simple to let that woman kneel down and walk to our door to apologize." Wen Yujing doesn't care.

Hearing that Yu Xin's mouth was twitching, he was speechless at the same time: "this is still simple?"

It would be strange for Baihe not to go crazy if he came here on his knees.

After all, Bai He always belongs to the kind of arrogant people. She can't do such shameful things.

Ning Mengyao looked at Wen Yuxin and said, "do you think it's too much?"

"I don't think it's too much. I just think that after Baihe really wants to do that, she can collapse directly." Wen Yuxin said that he was happy with the disaster.

Ning Mengyao was shocked and then smiled: "I thought you loved others."

"Why should I love people? Do I have nothing to do? " Wen Yuxin didn't say well.

Wen's wife came out and looked at Ning Mengyao with gratitude in her eyes. She had heard from her son and them when they went out. When they were on the snow mountain, Ning Mengyao and his wife took care of Wen's three brothers.

"Thank you very much, girl." Smell madam to smile to say.

"Madam, you are welcome. Just call me Mengyao." Ning Mengyao says helplessly, she really feels that the person who hears home is really too polite.

Wen Ma nodded, "OK, then I'll call you Mengyao, and you can call me aunt directly."


Bai family, Bai He can't believe looking at his father. The expression on his face is incredible: "what do you say, dad?"


"If I don't go, how can you? I don't want that. " If she did that today, would she still have face?

Master Bai took a look at Bai He and sighed heavily: "my daughter and father don't want to be like this, but you should know that if not, then our white family will be completely ruined. Do you want to see such a thing happen?"

Bai he pressed her lips tightly and didn't speak. She didn't want Bai's family to have an accident, but if she really wanted to do that, she didn't want to either.

"Dad, we can do something else. Why do we have to do this? If I do, I will lose my reputation. What will you do then? " White lotus said angrily.

Looking at his daughter's appearance, master Bai also felt sad with helplessness on his face: "my daughter and father know that we can't do that. There's no other way. The two around them are not easy to provoke. Even the Xiao family dare to do it. What can we do?"

Don't white lotus know that? No, she knows, but she just doesn't want to do such a thing.

White master helplessly looked at the daughter, some headache said: "daughter ah. Do you think about it? Dad knows it's not fair to you, but the white family can't be destroyed. It's the hard work of our ancestors. "

Although this is true, Bai He thinks that master Bai intends to discard her to get what she should have.

Biting his lips tightly, Bai He said with a wry smile, "I will go."