White lotus sneered: "this matter is our white family's fault, hope you forgive."

That insincere appearance made Wen Yumin hook his lips and smile. The expression on his face was also extremely ironic: "come to apologize? I don't know what's wrong with your white family? Do that? "

Bai He was annoyed. These people were on purpose.

"We shouldn't deal with Wenjia with others. We hurt Wenfu's leg and wengrandpa." White lotus said.

"Oh? It turns out that our family has become like this, which is related to your white family. But this is also our incompetence. You don't have to apologize. " Wen Yumin looked at the people in front of him and said coldly.

Bai He looks at the people in front of him, and the expression on his face is very ugly: "what do you want?"

"What do we want? Miss Bai misunderstood us. What can we do? "

White lotus tightly purses lips: "how do you want to be able to let go of white house?"

At the beginning, the people around me were still in the fog. They didn't know what was going on. What was the meaning of this? But now it seems to be completely clear. This is the problem of the white family itself. They calculated the smell family. Now, several young people of the smell family have come back. The white family doesn't want to make their home go wrong, so today's scene will come.

"We let the white family go? Have you ever thought of giving up when your white family started to our family? Do something to my father, pick out my father's hamstring, and you're going to go over in such a light hearted way? " Wen Yuxin looks at Bai He like that. He really wants to kill people directly. If only he died.

Bai He's face changed, and he broke his hamstring? How is this possible?

"I I don't know. "

"It's no wonder that the white family is going to start talking to the white family. Moreover, the white family is still behind closed doors to thank guests. It turns out that's what happened?"

"That's right. I saw that master Bai and the people of the Xiao family are very close. It's hard that the Bai family and the Xiao family deal with the Wen family together?"

It has to be said that some people have rich imagination, which can be imagined.

Although there was no expression on Wen Yuxin's face, he laughed in his heart. How could these people be so lovely? It's so interesting.

"Big brother, second brother, you..."

"No, you can't call us big brother and second brother. We can't afford to call you that." Wen Yuxin quickly waved his hand and said, "you know, our junior has dropped out with you. Don't call him so close. When you call us the second eldest brother, have you ever thought about how to slander our family?"

Bai He's face changed: "you What do you want to do? "

Wen Yumin looked at Bai He with a smile: "because of your own reason, we'll leave. What do you think of our junior? Not only that, but also our family. They were shameless when they went out. The white family is really powerful. "

The people in this place are basically on the edge. Hearing Yu Xin's words, they immediately thought of what happened at that time, and the eyes of Bai he suddenly became strange.

"I didn't You misunderstood me. " Bai He is very clear that her reputation will stink completely if things at that time are exposed.

Kneeling to apologize to Wen's family, she can say that there is no way for her family, and put all things on Wen's family, let them carry the black pot, let everyone think that Wen's family is too much, and has nothing to do with their family.

But now if all the things at that time were exposed by Yu and min, it would be really over.

Everyone will think that she is a ruthless woman. Not only that, but also that she is ungrateful.

After all, at that time, the old man of Wen family, the old lady was very good to her.

"Misunderstanding? It's so good that it was a misunderstanding. " Hearing Yu Jing's smile, he said that the expression on his face was such ridicule.

"Eldest brother, I know it's our family. I'm sorry to hear about it, but can we let it go on Grandpa's face?" Bai He looked at Yu Min and asked earnestly.