"Now that we've seen it, let's go, but I wonder if the white family will really send back the things?" Asked Ning Mengyao curiously.

Wen Yujing laughed sarcastically. The smile on his face was so sarcastic.

"If the white family wanted to give it back to us, it would not have done so much at the beginning." Wen Yujing said sarcastically.

Ningmengyao looked at Yujing in amazement and asked unexpectedly, "did they smear you like this because of these things?"

"Otherwise? At that time, we didn't say anything bad about Bai He, only that I didn't like her, so we insisted on quitting. What can they say? It's all inside. " Hearing Yu Jing's disdain, he snorted, and his disgust flashed across his eyes.

When Ning Mengyao saw Yu Jing like this, he was very curious. The grandfather of Wen's family, why on earth should Xiao San marry Bai He?

"You don't know, sister? White lotus that person can pretend, all people don't her to deceive, you see her to smear my things can see Wen Yujing said sarcastically.

His grandfather thought that the white lotus was good-looking and good-natured, so he got married with their family. But he didn't like the white lotus. He always thought it was hypocritical, so he asked Yuanbao to investigate for him. But who knew that the investigation problem would come out? Where is the white lotus? That's a woman with a mean heart. It's terrible.

That's why he's planning to leave.

Just thought Yuanbao smelt Yujing's eyebrow to wrinkle up, the expression on the face is very unhappy.

"What's the matter?" Ning Mengyao looks at Wen Yujing in astonishment. It's just fine. Now why has it suddenly changed?

Wen Yujing's eyes flickered a little, and said coldly, "sister, you said Yuanbao has gone. Why don't you tell me? He left everything to me, but he didn't tell me why he left. "

Although I understand Yuanbao, I still want to know why he did this and why he left directly.

Ningmengyao's heart leaped, watching Yujing's appearance, he smiled helplessly: "have you been thinking about it today?"

"Well, in the past few years, except when I went to the snow mountain, he followed me all the time. Every time I turned around, I could find him. Although sometimes I would say something to him to let him go, sister, I was just joking. I didn't mean that." Wen Yujing said with a wry smile.

At that time, he just wished he could not see people, but now people really left, he felt very unaccustomed.

Ningmengyao helplessly looks at and hears Yujing's appearance, some headache of say: "you are in tangle this?"

Wen Yujing shook his head: "of course, I'm not struggling with this, but I just can't figure it out."

Ningmengyao looked at Yujing's appearance and couldn't help laughing: "in fact, you don't need to think so much about junior, he won't tell you, maybe because he will come back in the future?"

Wen Yujing looks at Ning Mengyao and frowns tightly. Then he opens his mouth and says, "actually, I know he won't come back."

What kind of person is Yuanbao? In fact, he knows very well, so he is suffering.

Since I don't want to come back, why don't I even want to say a word to myself? Can't it be that many years of feelings that make him reluctant to say a word to him?

As long as I thought of this possibility, I frowned tightly when I heard Yu Jing's eyebrows: "I suddenly regret it, sister."


"I shouldn't have let him go." Wen Yujing said seriously.

Ningmengyao's mouth slightly twitches. Does this person know what he is talking about?

"Well, don't think so much about people who have left." Ningmengyao didn't know how to comfort and smell Yujing. He could only say so dryly.

Wen Yujing saw ningmengyao like this, but he didn't help it for a long time, then he burst out laughing: "sister, in fact, you don't care about me, I'm ok."

Ningmengyao did not have a good breath of white smell Yujing one eye: "little three you white eye son Wolf."

She was so kind to comfort him that she was ridiculed at last. Can she speak well?