Ning Mengyao was relieved at last: "that's good. I'm not comfortable if Tianchang doesn't revenge me."

"Then revenge, you can do anything." As long as it doesn't hurt Ning Mengyao himself, Qiao Tianci is indulgent.

"Well, I'll take a look at the junior." Ningmengyao breaks away from Qiao Tianci's arms and leads people to the past.

Seeing Yu Jing's pale face, Ning Mengyao's anger came out again.

Since I met her junior, when has it been like this?

Wen Yujing has always been like a happy fruit. Every day she chatters, but she doesn't feel angry or anything else. Instead, she feels that Wen Yujing is very lovely. Also willing to pet people.

Now how can I be happy to see their brother being made this way.

"Don't worry, mom. My uncle is OK." Qiao Mo Feng sees Ning Mengyao to worry, hurriedly opens to appease of say.

"I know he'll be OK, but I'm still worried about him like this." Now Wen Yujing is like a rag doll. It's not as vigorous as when I first met him.

"My mother beat the little one to the old one." Said Jo mofeng suddenly.

Does ningmengyao know about this? Naturally, I know. Because I know, I don't care about anything. After all, she is looking for trouble.

"Mother they know your idea will be angry." Jomo Feng took a look at the lemon and soon understood what she meant.

Ningmengyao's eyes narrowed slightly, and she sneered: "angry? If they were really pissed off by me, I would have whipped the corpse. "

“……” Joe mofeng's eyelids beat. It seems that his mother was really offended this time. She would say that she wanted to whip the corpse.

"Mother calm down."

"Calm down what?"

"Let's go and have a look. Are all the people of Xiao's family dead?" Ningmengyao saw that Yujing was really OK. Although he was still worried, he was not so worried.

Looking at Qiao Tianchang standing beside him, his mouth slightly hooked up: "Tianchang you said if I gave Xiao's family a pot, would Xiao Zitian be angry?"

"No, he will thank you." Qiao Tianchang said solemnly.

Ningmengyao is slightly stunned, then he laughs, and can't help laughing at Qiao Tianchang.

"Maybe you're right. Maybe Xiao Zitian would really appreciate me?" However, such an idea is just to say. She is not very clear about some things of the Xiao family, and needs to find out some things before she can start.

And if they do it now, their original intention is to be interrupted by themselves.

Xiao leiran looks at Ning Mengyao like that, with a sense of horror in her heart. She really doesn't know what it means for Ning Mengyao to do this. It's like a cat catching a mouse, and they are the mouse that Ning Mengyao caught. This feeling is really not good at all.

"Xiao leiran, you guessed right. We are just playing cat and mouse. I just don't know when you can play with me." Ning Mengyao looks at Xiao leisurely with a smile, as if seeing through her mind, and then answers Xiao's doubts.

Xiao leiran's face went over again, and his expression was a little startled. Suddenly, Xiao leiran seemed to hear something. Looking at Ning Mengyao, he laughed crazily, "Ning Mengyao, do you think you can deal with me like this? If that's the case, you're quite wrong, because I'm not going to die. "