Yuanbao was silent for a long time. He took a look at the lemon and said, "I asked first, and you said first."

Ning Mengyao suddenly felt that she wanted to beat this guy and save trouble here.

"Tianchang, I think I should throw Xiaosan to tongbaozhai for a few years." Ning mani's outline reached out and touched his chin, and calculated.

Yuanbao frowned: "what are you going to do?"

"Yuanbao, let me tell you. If my mother really sent my uncle in for a few years, you may not see him for a few years." Qiao mofeng, who took care of Wen Yujing, said.

"Take him back first." Yuanbao thought about it, turned around and left with Wen Yujing.

Looking at the back of Yuanbao, Ning Mengyao couldn't help laughing: "Tianchang, do you think Yuanbao is particularly cute?"

Yuanbao, who left in front, nearly fell to the ground when he heard ningmengyao say he was cute.

Qiao Tianchang reached out and patted Ning Mengyao on the shoulder, indicating that she would not continue to play.

"Well, don't make fun of him. Let's go." The expression on ningmengyao's face gradually converged. It was cold on his face. Seeing ningmengyao's appearance, Qiao mofeng shook his head helplessly. It seems that the Xiao family is really looking for their own death. Their mother didn't find their troubles, but they sent them to their door.

After Yuanbao came to the city Lord's mansion, the family was still there when he arrived, and they also shouted at the frightening people in the city Lord's mansion, which was very impolite.

Ningmengyao looked at these people, some impatient: "Yuanbao who are these people?"

"No one, you can sit at will. I will take Jing to have a rest." Yuanbao didn't see the family either, but after a few words with Ning Mengyao, he went to the room with Wen Yujing covered in blood.

Ningmengyao frowned and looked at the back of their departure, frowned and said, "Maple, go to see your uncle."

"I see."

After Qiao mofeng left, Ning Mengyao looked at the city Lord's Mansion: "Tianchang Yuanbao is a good place, do you think he will go back with us?"


Ning Mengyao couldn't help but smile, with a thick smile on the bottom of her eyes: "you are right."

"Who are you? How can I know brother Xi? " The woman on the side came to Ning Mengyao and asked.

Ning Mengyao turned to look at the proud girl: "are you asking me?"

"Who do you ask?"

"How do I know him? What does it have to do with you?" Ning Mengyao looked at the girl in front of her and said casually.

"I'm his fiancee, of course I'm entitled to ask." The girl snorted and continued to say proudly.

The tea in ningmengyao's mouth spouted out like that. Fortunately, it turned fast, or it would spit on the girl in front of her.

"What did you just say? You said he was your fiance? I'll go, Tianchang Yuanbao. Is this the festival where the old ox eats the tender grass? " Can even such a small child talk? This is a hungry man.

Yuanbao comes from behind and hears ningmengyao saying that he wants the old cow to eat the tender grass. His face turns black immediately.

"What are you talking about?" Yuanbao looked at ningmengyao with some dissatisfaction and said.

Ningmengyao didn't expect that she just said such a word casually, and people even appeared in front of her.

"I really can't say bad things behind other people's backs, otherwise I would be embarrassed to be caught." Ning Mengyao said very seriously.

"I wish I knew. You believe her nonsense?"